It’s been 16 years working with ITM Institute and there are various reasons for being here with this institute for a long time. The institute gives us full freedom to try and explore the new things and current trends as per the industry’s expectations. As a faculty I keep myself updated connecting with industry experts and keep adding value to myself and to the institute.
Being HOD of Digital Marketing and Transformation, I take the complete responsibility of this program, starting from creating an awareness about this program among the students, their curriculum, industry connections, practical exposure, Corporate MOUs and guide them for their internship and for better placements. I mould the students as per their expertise and match their skillsets with company’s job descriptions.
There are various activities through which the students get practical exposure in digital marketing. The curriculum emphasis in training the students in the areas of Business Management, Marketing, Digital Marketing, and Digital Analytics. The pedagogy is of practical in nature as the students get trained on the digital marketing tools and technologies to make use of on-line medium for the business. Evaluation Pattern -The evaluation pattern emphasis to complete 21 topics as certifications.
The core subjects are Social Media Marketing, Online Reputation Management, Digital Channel Creation, Email Marketing, Programmatic Advertising, Content Marketing, Business Intelligence & Big Data Analytics, Advanced Excel, Power BI, Tableau, Inbound Marketing, Business Analytics, SEO, SEM, Web Analytics, and Google Analytics, etc.
Digital marketing has become as an exciting career option and offers you variety of job roles across industries. There are many reasons behind that the fast addition in digital population, a steady increase in the penetration of smart phones, internet friendly gadgets, and Entry of 5G. Companies progressing towards digitization because it helps generate better revenues, caters to the mobile consumer, builds brand reputation, very specific audience in reasonable price, and facilitates 2-way communications. According to recent study, by 2024 more than 7 million new digital jobs are expected, and this is because most of the companies will have an online presence and 90% of businesses will rely on digital marketing. A career where demand exceeds supply. The demand for Digital Skills is steadily going up but huge deficit on the supply of qualified and trained digital marketing professionals.
There are 21 topics being covered as certifications where in the topics keep changing as per the trend. For this year, The Art of Pitching & Client Briefing, Client-Oriented Strategy, Campaign Creation for Client, Campaign Optimization, Building a E-Commerce Store, Build your shopify site & Woo Commerce, App Store Optimization, Inbound Marketing, Video Marketing, Web Remarketing, Marketing Automation, Influencer Marketing, Podcast Marketing, Programmatic Advertising, Cloud Management, Cloud Management, Cloud Management, Copywriting, LinkedIn Analytics, Google Analytics, Tableau and Power BI are the ones conducted and trained for this year.
Apart from this, DMT department has a full-fledged Digital Marketing Studio which has 41 licenced software for the students to have hands on and execute the live projects smoothly. There are subject-wise on-going workshops conducted by the industry experts. ITM social media Lab gives the live experience to the students and running live campaign in social media platforms. DMT department also tie-ups with corporates year on year offering digital Marketing Services for Budding Entrepreneurs as term II Project.
DMT department makes 2 minimum freelancing assignments as part of student’s curriculum and evaluate the students accordingly. Digital Brainz Community – a community handled by DMT department connecting the likeminded people around the world who has keen interest in digital marketing
There are 2 events happen regularly, they are
- Weekly News – Digital Marketing updates
- World-wide Sessions - Practical sessions in digital marketing by experts around the world
ITM is the best place for the students who wants to explore the practical aspects of the management program as this institute believes in 5 months internship, live projects, and freelancing assignments. And the greatest strength of the Institute is inviting students across the country and it has strong belief in cross culture and diversity.