Starting his career as an entrepreneur in 2006, Dr. Nishkam Sharma is currently working as the Deputy Director of Hukumchand Noble Institute of Science and Technology, Ajmer. With a rich experience of 16 years in administration and management of the Institute, he is an educationist and philanthropist constantly working towards human welfare through betterment in the education sector. 

Hukumchand Noble Institute of Science and Technology

What is your vision for education?

“Equal opportunities for everyone and anyone”

My vision through education is creating influential opportunities for each and every student who wishes to learn and grow. Regardless of economic, cultural and social backgrounds, every child is eligible to study and get good education for a bright future ahead. 

How does the curriculum of your Institute ensure the best practice of industry?

“Educational tours and trips to promote practicality”

Our curriculum is designed in lead with present and upcoming situations in the education field. We give value to preparing students for future challenges and enriching their skills for the marketplace. We organize educational tours and training sessions along with the course time table for gaining real world experience and exposure. Certain extra-curricular activities are also organized to promote mass participation and the spirit of healthy competition among students and staff. 

Check Hukumchand Noble Institute of Science and Technology Courses & Fees

How do you establish a healthy relationship and environment in your Institute?

“Better understanding and sense of togetherness”

Education environment is an asset we regularly admire and try to build up. We make our students and fellow faculty understand the value of mutual respect and teamwork in order to create a healthy relation and enthusiastic working culture for all. Interactive talk sessions and group discussions are carried out between administration and students directly to get an insight of smooth working of the norms and find solutions whenever needed. 

How do you guide your students to survive in such a competitive scenario?

“Strong belief and persistent efforts”

It is true that competition is too high and continuously increasing dynamically with time. Students need to have firm belief in them and must be persistent in their efforts to achieve success, be it professional or personal. Through proper guidance and training, we encourage and help them to upgrade their knowledge and skills according to the changing scenarios. Remember, there is no substitution for hard work; one must constantly work with full potential to succeed in life. 

What do you think should be the Institute's top priority over next 10 years? 

“Multi dimensional experience for our students and staff”

We believe in making better professionals and above those better humans by improvising skills and knowledge in them. Education is not only books and exam papers or marks; it's a way through which we can inculcate multiple skills and approaches towards life. We wish our students and faculty to become good professionals and better social beings, attain all success in different sections of life. 

Click Hukumchand Noble Institute of Science and Technology Placement

Any suggestions you want to give to aspiring students?

“Keep yourself physically fit and mentally active”

Physical fitness is really important to lead a good life. Do exercise, yoga, gym or play a game; just get some time to keep your body fit. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Learn mindfully to achieve success, not merely to get good marks or a better job. Create opportunities for yourself, and inculcate a never give up attitude. Positive mindset is necessary for a successful life.