Dr. Ravneet Syan is working as a Faculty member at Smt. MMK College of Commerce and Economics. She has 26 years of teaching experience. Dr. Syan has been a visiting faculty in Law College, Nursing College, Home Science College, Goa University, Naval Academy, Exchange program with Japanese students, etc. She presented and published research papers at State, National, and International Seminars and journals. She has a post-graduation in Arts and has a Ph.D. in Economics.

Smt. MMK College of Commerce and Economics

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Thirst to learn new things”

I believe teaching is a two-way process. When a teacher teaches something to the student he/she learns too from teaching them. I believe in preparing students with modern concepts so that they are not left behind. I also believe in giving practical knowledge to the students so that they can be successful in the future.

What is your philosophy of leadership?

“I perceive myself as a democratic open-minded leader”

 Leadership is a team-building exercise working towards the achievement of the goal of the institution along with the personal growth of every team member. A leader should be accommodative, understanding and should be able to motivate his/her team members by identifying certain skills in each member.

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How do you strategize for the marketing and administration of your school?

“Designing and emphasizing Skill-based courses with practical knowledge”

The strategies that are sued for the marketing and administration of the institution are:

  • Considering stakeholder’s feedback for improvement of the courses
  • Organizing awareness programs about the scope of programs at school and higher secondary level 
  • Making use of social media for creating awareness.

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

“Freedom of participation in any activity of his/ her choice”

We try to develop strong core values in the students because they are important for future decision-making. The students are trained with practical knowledge that will ensure a better future for students. The students have the freedom to participate in any activity that is held on the campus so that the students can learn new things and don't get bored in the institute. 

How does the curriculum College/University ensure the best practice of industry?

“The institution tries to fill the gap that exists between ‘curriculum and industry needs’”

We conduct various skill-based certificate Courses, providing internship opportunities to student fraternity to give them first-hand experience, organizing field trips, programs, extracurricular activities to develop participation, presentation, and organizing skills. 

How could your College be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Our institution believes in providing equality to everyone”

In our college, we believe that each and every one on the campus is equal and we don’t believe in caste, creed, or religion. Everyone is a part of this institute that matters the most. This is what makes us one family. If someone tries to create any differences the institution takes strict action against that individual. 

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What would you like people to know about your college they may not know?

“We focus on the overall development of the students”

Our College is the 1st College established after the liberation of Goa. I would like people to know that our college focuses on the overall development of our students providing them ample opportunities to sharpen their skills where learning becomes an enjoyable experience.