Dr. D Divya is a head of Commerce department in the Rv arts and science college, Coimbatore. She did M.com, B.Ed., MPhil, PGDCA, PhD is a head department of commerce PA. She did her undergraduate degree from PKR arts and science college. She had 15 years of experience of teaching. Dr. Divya published more than 10 conferences and 2 papers in reputed journals in her specialization of marketing.

Dr. R. V. Arts And Science College

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“To help students to achieve university rank is my leadership philosophy”

I demand discernment from my students, and also promise to be impartial in my classroom behavior. I don't have any bias in my methodology. Since I have been affiliated with RV Arts and Science College in 2010 helped one student achieve university rank. I am continuing working to help additional students achieve university level rankings. This is my leadership quality and work ethic as a department head.

Any insights into how Rv arts and science college could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Address individuals personally without any racial background on campus”

We haven't encountered any community problems for racial or cultural backgrounds. Our campus will address individuals personally including students who are eligible for scholarships even if they come from less privileged families.

What do you think should be the College’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“To develop practical skills and technology among students is our main priority”

We should develop a practical lab. Students are stop noticing black board subject to learn after using a mobile technology account. It is not that easy so they need to develop their skills only by understanding and learning. So, they will be able to shine in this field. Theory is fine, but students must also get practical knowledge in order to complete their degrees and advance in their careers.

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry oriented?

“internships, seminars, and other practices are available to pupils”

We instruct commerce students on the fundamentals of checking payslips, filling out DDs, bank slips, and buying train tickets. For example, we explain the brand details with its logo. Using these case studies, we demonstrate to teach with a practical approach. They may work under the brands with the use of logos and straightforward logic. Additionally, students participating in internships and seminars to broaden their practical knowledge. We urge students to attend more events off campus at other colleges. So, they can learn about and increase their understanding of real-world challenges to enhance their capacity for learning.

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How does Rv arts and science college prepare students for placements?

“Conduct mock interviews, application tests and practices for student placement”

We have a placements cell that will teach the students how to participate in placements each Year. Faculties encourage the students to go because it will help them advance their careers. Additionally, our placements cell conducts mock interviews and prepare for the application tests. We train the students based on industry needs, and in their final year encourage them to participate in on and off campus recruitment events.

Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real world challenges?

“Cultural programs and additional activities are available to pupils”

We have a commerce club to encourage students to participate in quizzes, group discussions, and weekly events. For extracurricular activities, we also have a financial club. We tell pupils to leave campus for additional curriculum practise and encourage them to participate in cultural programmes. After the end of college semester, we also host athletic activities that students can join and participate in. Students should participate in commercial clubs to advance their knowledge and receive a perfect grade.

What are the challenges you faced to uplift the quality of education of Rv arts and science college?

“No challenges faced by us yet because we love to teach pupils”

I used to teach in both Tamil and English for the first two weeks. Then, I used to ask for feedback to determine whether change the lesson plan or the way my notes were prepared in response to the students' thoughts and comments. From my perspective, there are no challenges because I love to teach. On the other hand, getting to understand the student's generation is the greatest challenge.

When you came to college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

“To focus on research and publications is my vision for campus”

I have achieved all of my goals once I started writing for publications after receiving my degree. The only thing left to do is to focus more on research in the coming days.

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How does Rv arts and science college enhance the skills of the faculty and prepare them according to the industry standards?

“Organize FDP, and other courses for students as per industry standards”

We enroll in the faculty development programme and other courses offered by Anna University. It helps to discover how to teach and handle a student as an educator. The personnel should treat the students with mortals. Staff members ought to be second parents because parents entrust their kids to us for four to five years of school. Therefore we ought to take good care of them and enhance our skills. So, we can instruct in a supportive manners.

What valuable advice would you like to give the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

“Educate yourself, attain new skills and step into your dream job”

Education means that they are unaware of the true meaning. Students should consider their parents and backgrounds. Because, most of the students are from rural backgrounds and their parents are uneducated. They often don't provide moral support for their parents. They merely come for fun and don't know why they are coming to college. Students can follow a decent path if they begin to understand their parents' scarification.