Bharathiar University receives NAAC accreditation of A Grade; Check Details Here

Bharathiar University

New Delhi: The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) awarded Bharathiar University an ‘A’ rating with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.63 out of a maximum 4 points. It should be taken into account that higher education institutions with scores between 3.51 and 4 are graded A.

The rating this time for Bharathiar University is a noticeable improvement from the 3.11 and 3.02 points it received in the last 2 cycles. This improved NAAC rating makes it possible for the institute to continue to offer online programmes, which helps in funding the institution.

The institution, which had earlier been recognised with an "A" rating, was required to get 3.26 scores to continue delivering its online and distance education programmes when the last assessment cycle's term expired on March 28, 2023.

The university needed to submit an assurance that it will achieve the UGC's minimum score during the academic year of 2019. In the course of the accreditation process, a NAAC peer team visited the institution for three days last week. The fresh rating was published on March 30, 2023.

Prior to delivering the assurance to the NAAC, the institution's internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) had an independent expert analyse the data for the AQAR (Annual Quality Assurance Report), IIQA (Institutional Information for Quality Assessment), and SSR (Self-Study Report) to guarantee more authenticity.

The institution also exhibited its remarkable 2022 NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework) score, in which it ranked  22nd in the field of research, 15th among universities, and 24th altogether.

As the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) recommended in 2020 that UGC should establish the equivalency of certification gained through Conventional or Open and Remote Learning and Online modalities with normal programs, universities started focusing on registering as many students as they could. 

The initiatives of the Central and State governments to raise the enrollment rates ratio in university education were in accordance with this. Almost 130 associated institutions and roughly two lakh students are already part of the normal mode of operation at BU. 

K Vasanth, president of the Bharathiar University Teachers' Association (BHUTA), expressed happiness at the most recent NAAC score and cited it as a key element in the institution's top ranking. 

A unit for fundamental and applied research activities was formed as part of the research infrastructure in collaboration with the DRDO, the Ministry of Defence, and the Government of India. Alagappa University, with an overall score of 3.64, is the only other State university ahead of Bharathiar University in the latest NAAC rankings. 

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