Dr. Vidya Raj C is the Head of Computer Science & Engineering department in The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore. She did B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering and M.Tech. in Software Engineering. She also completed a Ph.D. in the area of Quantum Computing. She has more than 32 years of experience in academics. 

The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students in The National Institute of Engineering?

“To improve skill oriented growth and overall development of pupils”

My prime responsibility is to focus on skill oriented academic growth. India is focusing on skill development to the maximum. We develop an IT person skill through entrepreneur skills, and overall development. Faculties encourage the student to continue their education and livelihood. 

How do you establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

“Team work, togetherness and collaboration assist us to maintain healthy relations on campus”

We establish a healthy relationship through togetherness, team work, and collaboration. The first thing to maintain collaboration is the concept “We”. We support every faculty and treat them as a team member. I have 32 years of teaching experience in the same institution and play different roles. I am putting myself in pace with students and think exactly like them. We take them up the right path. I have not disappointed any students to take upon the task. 

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects as industry oriented?

“Attain feedback from alumni and provide industry sessions to students”

Our campus contains industry people who join us to design course curriculum. Our sub-components include alumni academic board and alumni industry boards at departments. These two boards are very prominent and consist of members from academia and industry. We try to bring those alumni boards and take their feedback. After taking the feedback, we are going to revisit that with faculty, senior students and make the changes accordingly.

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What practices are offered by The National Institute of Engineering to the students to gain necessary skills?

“Training, programming courses and other activities are provided to students”

Our campus conducts a faculty mentorship programme to solve issues by faculty. It covers both psychological problems, technical problems, and skill upgradation. We plan student development programmes and bring industry people. MoU’s are there with the industry and bring our alumni. Students get internships and activity points. They can connect with society and gain their knowledge in computer programmes. We also take the students to the villages and try to teach them digitization as a part of the digital INDIA programme.

How do you help students to cope up with the competition in the outside world? 

“Placement training, projects, and exhibitions are available to pupils”

We have a specific training programme designed for students. One of these includes placement training from the department. They get soft skills, aptitude, and technical skills. We make a small group of students and give them open-ended questions to solve practically in the lab. They can work on projects for about one year. We send students to other project exhibitions and become competitive. Our final year students won state level first prize in BMS college Project exhibition, Srishti recently.

What challenges are you facing to uplift the quality of education on The National Institute of Engineering?

“Well defined Curriculum structuring that meets the updating emerging technology are the greatest challenges for us”

One of the vital challenges is changing technology. It is very fast and the demand that industry puts on us is much. Narrowing the gap is always a challenge. Another one is a good well defined curriculum structure to meet the industry demands. The core subjects need to be understood by the students well to apply the concepts. 

What do you see as The National Institute of Engineering greatest strengths?

“Highly qualified faculty, students and management are the greatest strengths of college”

One of the greatest strengths is highly qualified faculty. We have a good faculty retention ratio and they are highly trained or well qualified. As the days progress we need to sustain it. We are into NEP 2020 today. So, we have already geared up for that through lot of activities. Our college is conducting NCC, yoga, and sports for pupils. All these things are a part of the curriculum. 

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What valuable advice do you like to give to students for a prosperous career ahead? 

“Learn technical skills, and set a goal”

Nothing is impossible and everything is possible. As students, you need to learn new skills to attain a good career. Always be ready to help the society, and learn what is needed for that. Set a goal oriented mind-set for your studies. Once you have an academic oriented mind-set and practical approach, you can achieve your goal easily.