Dr. Kemtose P. Paul is the Principal at Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering. He is a pragmatic leader who believes in working together to produce effective and greater results. He is passionate about carving the future of the young students who are the country’s future leaders. Read here what he has to say in his interview.
What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?
“I keep a pragmatic approach where I allow participation in decision making”
An educational institution is different from the conventional organisations, and here, as a leader, the principal is just the first among equals, among teachers and head of the family, for the students. So, I feel a participative style is more viable and pragmatic.
How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your Institute?
“Marketing is a crucial factor, especially in the self-financing education sector”
I strongly feel word of mouth publicity is the most successful and enduring marketing tool for an educational institution. So here at SNGCE, we strive hard to keep our parents satisfied, and our students motivated. For administration, we depend on team SNGCE, with all the members of staff as equal stakeholders. The roles and expectations of each member is clearly defined and well understood. Regular and frequent interaction - that is the policy and programme.
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In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?
“We make sure our students are rooted to the traditions and aligned with the current industry trends simultaneously”
We preach to our students not just a scientific and research leaning, but also an insight into the Indian ethos, culture and values. Our motto is to transform our students to better global citizens who are responsible and empathetic and carry a scientific outlook because we feel students should understand how they can be of value to society.
How does the curriculum of Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering ensure the best practice of industry?
“The regular industry interactions help us take the feedback and understand the corporate equation vividly”
We have regular interactions with the industry, through Yi, CII, IEE, NIPM and other industrial associations. Moreover, our alumni working in key positions in the industry do visit our campus and interact with our faculty as well as students. It helps us to understand the corporate equation more vividly. So, our curriculum incorporates ideas evolved through these dialogues.
“Helping the less privileged is a philosophy we practise, and we have scholarship schemes tailor-made for the needy and the worthy.”
What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education in our country?
“There has been a slow growth in terms of development and digitization across the country”
The current unprecedented times are challenging. Also, there has been a continuous dearth of quality institutes. The quality directly imparts low-grade education, which hampers the teaching-learning process and produces vague outputs. Although, there is an improvement in terms of digitization, the overall growth has been negligible considering the number of educational institutions we have in our country.
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