Dr. S.T. Gandhe is the Principal at Sandip Institute of Technology (SITRC) and Research Center, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (SSPU). He has a teaching experience of 30 years & is the approved research guide of SSPU. He has fetched grants worth 1.79 Cr from various government funding universities and initiated the Technology Business Incubation Facility – SANDIP Incubator under which 22 start ups are registered. He also has a strong International presence; MoUs with various European Countries for Project based Learnings. He was honoured by the MHRD, Govt. of India for participating in Unnat Bharat Abhiyan 2.0 and also initiated the REVATI Cell in collaboration with BARC under DEA. Read here what he has to say in his interview.

SITRC Nashik

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“I believe in taking everyone together”

My leadership style is inclusive. I believe that all decisions must be taken with everyone’s consensus. The more the number of people the better the ideas & decisions made.It creates trust within the organisation and leads towards the betterment of the institution. 

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“To enlighten and teach young minds is my penchant”

There are two reasons for being connected with the education sector : 

  1. a) My passion for teaching & the urge for imparting quality education to students 
  2. b) I am always connected with the younger generation due to which I have to be up to date with all latest trends.

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practices of industry?

“We have introduced project-based learning”

Project-Based learning is present in all American & European Institutes. Our students undergo this learning. This learning focuses a lot on practical learning. We promote our students to go for internships with less duration depending on the academic calendar from Pune university since we are affiliated with them. Our students used to go for industry projects at different industries in their final year. 

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How is your university welcoming towards students from different economic backgrounds?

“We believe diversity brings more learning perspectives”

At Sandip University, we welcome students from all races and economic backgrounds. We give need based as well as merit based scholarships. For SITRC specifically, being affiliated to Pune university follows all rules as per Govt of Maharashtra. We also have EWS for economically weaker sections & Tuition fee waiver scheme (TFWS) for meritorious students. 

What are the greatest strengths of this college?

“Our faculty forms the backbone of the institution”

Our faculty is the biggest strength of this College. They ensure our students are aligned with the current trends of the industry and prepare them accordingly. Our faculty takes responsibility to instil confidence in the students and help them explore various perspectives to help them acquire knowledge.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Students should make wise career choices”

Don’t go for shortcuts. Hard-work has no substitute. You should do Smart work. Decide your priorities and organise yourself. At SITRC, we go for overall development of the students. We provide Soft skills training and also subject specific technical skills training.

What are your views on the New Education Policy?

“The NEP holds massive potential”

The NEP is a good move; specifically for higher & technical education. However, it will be difficult to implement given that India is such a diverse country. Thus, we are unsure to what extent we can implement it. Although, the correct implementation will bring massive benefits and transformation in the education sector.

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Can you tell us about how you adapted to Online Education during the pandemic?

“The robustness of IT support system helped us sail smoothly amid the pandemic”

We have a robust IT support system through which we provide the best education to students. Our staff members created high-quality videos on each subject, which covered lectures & practicals. The students got a lot of help through these videos.