Malabar Christian College

Dr. Godwin Samraj is the Principal at Malabar Christian College. He holds a degree in Ph.D from Kannur University. He intents on imbibing the values of the past while embracing the modern habits and character. In the process, he wants to create a strong force of youth who will work to change. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Upholding the philosophy of resolve and courage”

I strongly believe in the values of team spirit, grit, determination, and humane nature. Challenges are habitual, I look forward to running over the hurdles than escaping them. I would be the last one to forget the need for a humane approach to the students, colleagues, and friends. 

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your Institute?

“Keeping in mind the objective of the well being of students and staff”

It’s quite easy. I have evolved over time. I have worked in different domains of the functioning of the College in various capacities. And the experience gained over the years come handy now. I normally follow the rules of the game. 

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How does the curriculum of Malabar Christian College ensure the best practice of industry?

“Conventional learning won’t stay relevant for long”

This is an area we have a lot to do along with the University. My opinion is that a revolutionary change in the curriculum is the need of the hour, as what we provide in a traditional college environment does not suit the skills required by the industry and the job market. 

Any insights into how your Institute could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Knowledge does not know discrimination”

This does not need an answer, as I can tell from the rooftops that we do not speak of religion, race, caste, color, or economic situation of each of the subjects here. In fact, the motto we cherish is ‘education without discrimination”.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the Institute and the students are?

“To sustain and strengthen the role it has played in the region”

From an institute’s point of view, I need to keep up with the work done for over 110 years of its existence. I think this is not just a responsibility to the institute but to the whole region. From a students’ point of view, I need to work to make them good humans over everything. 

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What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Stay in tune with the constant changes”

Out top-priority includes Improving the teaching-learning environment and output. Besides that, skill generation that suits the current job market needs. We also aim at restructuring the curriculum in accordance with item 2 above and work with the University towards the same.