Mrs. N. Gayathri has been working as an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department at Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She has done Masters in Structural Engineering from a government college of Tirunelveli. She also worked as an ADHOC lecturer in a Government College of Engineering, Bodinayakkanur.

Jerusalem College Of Engineering

Being a Faculty of the Civil Engineering Department, what are your responsibilities towards the students?

"It is to educate students and ensure discipline among students"

As a faculty of the Civil Engineering Department, my prime responsibility is to educate students, ensure they remain disciplined in college and maintain the decorum of the institution. 

How do you maintain healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

"By being a good listener, communicator and trustworthy person for them"

For the purpose of ensuring cordial relationships with the students and fellow faculties, I regularly interact with them and listen carefully to all their doubts and issues so that I can resolve them on time. Also, all our teachers maintain a participative and conducive environment in the classroom so that students can enjoy the learning process. And when it comes to faculty members, we all work as a team and ensure each other availability and support in need.

How do you bring in a practical and industry oriented approach towards subjects?

"By enforcing the ambiance of research and innovation in our institute"

We promote the research culture in our institute and encourage our students to do more practical experiments so that they can enhance their innovative thinking skills and explore new things. 

Which best practices are offered by your department to students to help them gain necessary skills?

"Students are made part of the process whenever we design a new program"

We continuously involve our students in the process while we develop learning material for the latest technologies, as this way we can easily identify students' academic needs. This approach also helps in optimal utilization of the value added courses which we design for our students as both students and teachers remain on the same page. 

How do you strategize and redesign the curriculum to make it befitting for the students?

"We design an update it after analyzing corporate demands and student needs"

Before designing the curriculum of our college, we rigorously analyze the latest industrial developments and requirements, goals we have to achieve at the end and existing teaching and educational gaps. And once the analysis process is complete, we take inputs from the industrial experts and esteemed academicians to discard old programs and include new courses as per educational and industrial standards. 

How does your department prepare students for placement and higher education?

"By organizing necessary training programs and maintaining good relations with industries"

We do have a Training and Placement Cell to train our students for the placements, make them ready for the industrial world and guide them about the right career path as per students interest and passion. And this same cell maintains good relationships with our industry partners for the smooth conduction of placement specific training programs and arranging best internship opportunities for students.

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How do you prepare your students to deal with the outside competitive world?

"By encouraging them to stay updated with latest technologies and believe in themselves"

In today's time, competition is everywhere and in every field, so it's very important for students to stay updated with what's happening in their surroundings. Therefore we encourage our students to have faith in their skills, learn new things and never compare themselves with others as it will only reduce their morale. 

Which extracurricular activities are organized by your institute to enhance the skills of students?

"A wide variety of academic and fun activities are organized by us regularly"

We understand that co-curricular activities are very important for the overall personal and professional growth of students, hence a wide variety of activities are organized in our college on a regular basis. These activities not only help students to develop essential skills like teamwork, problem solving skills and time management but also help them to build good relationships with other students and make them more confident to face the world. 

What challenges are you facing to uplift the education quality of your department?

"Ensuring quality learning between online and offline classes is a real challenge for us"

The major roadblock for us currently is maintaining the pace of learning and ensuring the quality learning experience for students in offline and online classes. Also updating students' skills as per changing technologies and industrial demands is another challenge we are facing due to the inattentive attitude of students. 

When you joined Jerusalem College, what was your vision for it and how are you trying to achieve that?

"It was to inculcate best skills in students and give them an amazing learning experience in college"

When I joined the Jerusalem College, my objective was to ingrain best creative and cultural skills in students and help them improve their communication and critical thinking skills. And providing a safe and affordable learning environment to students for their overall development, by utilizing my skills and experience was my other vision.

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practices of the industry?

"It gives a clear path to students for their skills upgradation"

The curriculum of our college standardizes the learning goals for everyone and provides a clear path to students to study. And it also creates shared goals between our faculty members and students.

How does your college assess students' academic performance and growth?

"By monitoring their academic activities"

I firmly believe that it's very important for any University to explore students' hidden talents, skills, strengths and weaknesses as well so that best could be delivered to students. Hence we regularly monitor the results of our students to analyze their growth and get a clear idea of which areas we need to focus more while teaching them.

What approaches do you bring in apart from curriculum to teach the students?

"I ask my students to stay motivated with latest educational and industrial trends"

In order to educate students beyond books and curriculum, I use few simple yet effective techniques like building cordial relationships with them (so that they can enjoy the learning process), encouraging them to adapt themselves as per changing outside world and environment, changing communication strategies to communicate effectively with students and using a teach-review-research process.

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What do you see as your college’s greatest strengths and how can it be enhanced?

"Our vision of impartial best quality education is our biggest source of strength"

The main pillars of our institute strength is our honest and responsible attitude and mission of providing finest quality education to students. Also, our kind and committed vision to work for the betterment of students, institute and society as a whole and our highly educated and experienced faculty members makes us strong. 

What valuable advice would you like to share with the students for a prosperous career ahead?

"Have faith in yourself and utilize your college life in the best possible way"

I would advise my dear students to set high personal and academic standards for themselves and live up to them. Believe in yourself and your skills and stop comparing your individuality and uniqueness with others. Make best use of your time, college life and settle for nothing less than what you deserve.