S.Karthik has been working as the Head of Civil Engineering Department at Christ The King Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. He did his Graduation from Sree Guru Institution, Post-Graduation from KPR Technology and is pursuing PhD from Anna University. Also, he has 6 years of teaching experience.

Christ the king Engineering College

What is your philosophy of leadership?

"Leadership is nothing but helping others to grow while enhancing your own skills"

A true leader is a calm, positive and motivated person who perfectly knows how to empower his team with their existing skills and educate them about new things. In my case also, I regularly encourage my students to perform well in academics and extracurricular activities and to write competitive exams so that they can secure good jobs in government organizations. I also ask them to go for higher studies and carefully listen and understand their elders' suggestions. And being the Department Head, I regularly follow up and monitor students' performance so that I can provide them with the best opportunities to grow.

What do you think should be the College’s top priority over the next 10 years?

"We should work to make our college Autonomous and get it accredited by NAAC and NBA"

In my opinion, our college should focus on improving its admission process and redefine the fee structure as well so that everyone who wishes to pursue their dream courses from our college can pursue it easily. Our ultimate goal is to achieve autonomy and we are also working hard to get accreditations from esteemed authorities like National Assessment and Accreditation Council and National Board of Education.

How do you bring in a practical and industry oriented approach towards subjects?

"By establishing modern labs in college and conducting real time surveys with industry experts"

As per today's changing digital world, our Engineering students must have required practical knowledge, skills and industrial exposure. Hence our college has established modernized laboratories in every department so that students can experiment with their innovative ideas easily and freely. And when it comes to our own Civil Engineering Department, we perform significant tasks such as surveys and practical demonstrations in collaboration with industry people. Also, we encourage our students to participate in syllabus-oriented activities and skills development programs, hands-on workshops and mock interviews all of which are conducted from second semester onwards. 

How do you strategize and update the curriculum to make it befitting for the students?

"We follow the curriculum which University provides us and this itself is designed using best practices"

We follow the curriculum designed by the Anna University to which we have been affiliated with. This curriculum not only contains best educational practices but also consists of case studies and syllabus which are focused on Industry 4.0 and 5.0 Technologies and trends of this digital world. And since we don't have any rights to update it, we rely on the University for all the curriculum related things. 

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How does your college prepare students for placements?

"Through dedicated training programs which we conduct in collaboration with Space and 6 Phase"

We have signed MOUs with Space and 6 Phase to collaboratively arrange training programs for students from second-semester onwards. And after strengthening their soft and communication skills, we organize real-time mock tests for them so that they can perform well during the actual interview process. We also urge them to prepare for competitive exams, and we have trainers to guide and mentor them for the same.

Which extracurricular activities are organized by your college to enhance the skills of students?

"Sports events and club activities are organized by us and internships are offering to students"

We totally agree with the fact that co-curricular activities are equally important for students as academics because only books can't help them to fit in this competitive world. Therefore, we regularly motivate our students to take part in sports events and college club activities which we organize on a regular basis. Apart from this, we offer value-added courses and internships, all of which helps them to enhance their skills and knowledge. 

What challenges are you facing to uplift the education quality of your college?

"Students addiction for digital devices and especially for smartphone is a real challenge for us"

The major challenges which we are facing currently are the generation gaps between us and our students and also the rapid advancement in technologies due to which students have been addicted to digital devices more than ever. Our students use smartphones more than required and hence we constantly remind them to use it only when required and also to participate in extracurricular activities and sports events for their overall development and growth. 

How does your department enhance the faculty skills and prepare them as per industry standards? 

"Skills of faculties are upgraded through FDPs, off-campus training programs and professional visits"

Our college admits that faculties should upgrade their skills and knowledge regularly in order to bridge the gaps between our educational practices and industry requirements. Hence, the faculty members of our department regularly attend Faculty Development Programs which are conducted every semester by our college management. Along with this, we also attend off-campus training in reputable companies, industrial visits and tours to upgrade our academic knowledge. 

What do you see as your institute’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced?

"Our college infra, management people and admission process makes us strong"

I firmly believe that our ability to accommodate everyone's needs and academic expectations is our greatest strength. Also we have an excellent administration who constantly motivates and supports us to do our best and also guides students and faculties on a regular basis. Lastly, we have an amazing college infrastructure and admission policies which we update after a certain interval of time. So These factors together make us strong and resilient. 

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Any valuable advice which you would like to give to the students for a prosperous career ahead?

"Give sincere efforts to your studies and define realistic life goals for yourself"

I would advise my students to study with full focus and dedication and give their best to achieve their life goals and secure a good career. Also, anyone who is struggling financially may consider enrolling in our Christ The King Engineering College because we offer scholarships as well as free courses for those who are truly deserving and qualified as per our standards.