Dr. Aakanksha Kalra is the Assistant Professor at Dr. B.Lal Institute of Biotechnology, Jaipur. She is a young and dynamic teacher who inspires students to channelize and utilize their energy. She brings into the picture the use of modern technology to make learning simple.
What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?
“Impart knowledge, promote research ethics, and stay updated”
Educators are primarily responsible for upholding the citizenship of students to be responsible citizens. We have a specific responsibility in life science, especially the biotechnology area, to impart knowledge, promote research ethics, and keep current with advances in the field. Human welfare and sustainable development are two main goals.
How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the student and fellow faculty?
“Students' issues are understood and resolved while keeping ethics in mind”
Being in the field of education, patience and perseverance are the two most essential qualities. I believe these help in establishing healthy relations with both the students and fellow faculty. Further, understanding student issues and striving to solve them while incorporating ethics and their viewpoints are two other factors to consider. Being amicable, supporting each other, and having a positive attitude go a long way in maintaining a productive and positive working environment.
How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects?
“Incorporating a dissertation and training program in industrial biotechnology”
The connectivity between the theoretical concepts and the practicals is an essential aspect of the current academic world. Bringing academics and industry together with real-life problems and solutions is the key to connecting them. The student can also gain a better understanding of the industry by sharing their experiences or practical issues during their doctorate program. Additionally, they receive hands-on training in industrial biotechnology and do their dissertation in an industrial setting.
What are your views on the placements and higher education of the students?
“Independent departments for higher education, placement and entrepreneurship training”
The institute has a separate Career Development Center (CDC) to coordinate the future plans of the students. The centre has 3 different departments including higher education cell, placement cell and entrepreneurship cell. Higher education cell is focused on the career opportunities that the students get after graduation and post-graduation. Similarly, placement cell is focused on the personal and professional grooming of the students to make them industry-ready and industry tie-ups for placements. The E-cell has been established to nurture the budding entrepreneurs who have novel and exciting ideas with their proof of concept.
In what ways do you help your students adjust to the fierce competition outside?
“Motivation to participate in academic, cultural, and social events”
The continuous participation of the students in inter-collegiate events in all the streams such as cultural, research and sports activities is one way of providing exposure to the students. Similarly, the organization of inter-collegiate events at our campus and inviting students from all the colleges of the city plays an important role. The inclusion of eminent guest speakers and judges in the field is another way to expose the students to this challenging situation. Additionally, students are encouraged to attend webinars, seminars, and conferences on a state, national, and international level in their respective fields.
Do you have any extracurricular activities to enhance the skills of the students?
“Various student-oriented events to enhance social and interpersonal skills organized”
Yes, a lot of intra-collegiate events are organized regularly. It includes WAVES, MILAAP, MILAAN and intercollegiate events like BIOCHROME. We also organize webinars and conferences to help students develop and enhance their leadership skills, teamwork, confidence, and organizational skills.
What valuable advice would you give the students for a prosperous career ahead?
“We want our students to work hard with patience and persistence”
In this competitive world, I would just advise the students to work smart with patience and perseverance. We should open our minds and let new ideas for the sake of society and sustainable development goals flow freely. The greatest joy is giving; thus, we should give to the well being of all as often as we can.