St. Peter's Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Warangal

T. Jayapal Reddy is the Chairman of the St. Peter's Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Warangal. He is a passionate individual who takes a keen interest in teaching and learning with every passing day. He also takes active participation in IACP and IPA activities. Read what he has to say in his interview. 

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Have dreamt of being able to share my knowledge and experience with my students”

It is the fighting spirit of my students to excel in their field that has kept me motivated to work in this sector. The process of preparing for the workforce of the future and putting trust in my teaching fraternity to fulfill the purpose gives me a reason every day to be associated with this sector. So, it has become a habit rather than a job for me to stay connected with the education sector. I have always loved teaching and inspiring my students on human dimensions and emerging technologies.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“To set an example with my actions”

I have always believed that leadership should be a shared vision. Everyone in the organization should know the purpose of the initiatives taken. From the top-level management to the bottom, the main focus lies with the student’s development. As a leader, I prepare my students to build leadership qualities in themselves as well. My style of leadership is to make many more leaders in the profession, either in teaching, entrepreneurship, corporate heads, or regulatory. 

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your Institute?

“Keeping the achievements of our meritorious students on the forefront”

For the last 25 years, the students and the parents have been the key messengers to market the Institute apart from the events organized by the College at State and National level. Major key programs include the IPA Students National Congress, IACP Pharmaceutical Sciences Congress, PharmD Modules by US Universities, making students be the part of the Organising Committees at the National and International Level. Publicizing major achievements of student ranks, placements, research, and achievements is also a part of the marketing plans. 

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In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute/ university/ school?

“We make sure to engage our students in academic activities regularly”

Education in foreign countries is more refined where students play a key factor. There is a big scope given to the students for knowing and understanding, Investigating/research, Communicating what they have learned, linking the learning outcomes to daily life. So, at St.Peter’s we ensure that every student has a chance to present themselves with the knowledge and skills they have acquired so far before the entire block. On an annual basis, every student needs to ensure to give poster presentations, oral presentations on emerging technologies, research & journal presentations, and open talk on any branded pharma company.

How does the curriculum of St. Peter’s Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciencesensure the best practice of industry?

“Establishing connections with eminent industrial bodies”

In addition to the prescribed curriculum, we bring in Pharmaceutical Industry Training experts from PTI Bangalore. We have collaborations with CII Life Sciences Telangana, Drug Information Associates, IPA experts. We make sure to go beyond the syllabus and present the students with information that connects them to the present Pharmaceutical Industry needs.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

“To fulfill the needs of the students who have placed their belief in us”

Every student has joined the college with a belief that the college is going to shape them in ways that will help them in building a strong career. We at St.Peter’s believe that we have to bestow our might along with my teaching colleagues to ensure we inculcate the right character, attitude, and knowledge within the students. 

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“To attain the objective of overall development of the students”

We need to build great thinkers and encourage them to pursue discovery research and entrepreneurship which is greatly needed in our country. We are prioritizing learning beyond the curriculum with value for emotion, enlightenment, the wisdom of learning, perseverance, capability, compassion, and the gracious inspirations from successful Pharma giants. By 2030, I hope that the college can see its alumni leading in the profession. 

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What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and St. Peter’s Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences specifically?

“The challenge lies in breaking the conventional chain of education”

We have many big challenges, as we are governed by many Apex bodies like AICTE, PCI, University, State level Higher Education which includes AFRC Regulatory. Initially, when the college was started in 1995, the main focus was on teaching and learning, but today’s focus is on infrastructure measurements, counting on faculty, and regulatory requirements. Keeping up with the latest technological and scientific developments is a big question as we can see the traditional ways still prevailing in the system somewhere.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Make positive use of the facilities you have been blessed with”

The present generation of students is blessed to have access to information and digital technologies beyond their imagination. Earlier even it was not a dream. My simple suggestion is, never to misuse the technology. It is a double edge with hope and disaster. Have faith in yourself and most importantly have a role model. Think big, plan, and execute till you achieve it and bring hope for the future.