Bangalore University College Students Feel That a 10-Day Revision Window May be Too Short

With Bangalore University(BU) announcing the final year exam dates for undergraduate programmes in accordance with the UGC guidelines, students and colleges are preparing for the challenge.

However, many feel that 10 days of revision classes from September 1 to 10 may not be enough for preparations.

Students, particularly in the fields of science, believe that the timeframe is not sufficient to cover the practical and theoretical lessons they have missed.

Also Read: Bangalore University Result 2020: Semester Result, Revaluation, Timetable, Distance Result

BU, which was trifurcated in 2018, will witness its last undivided batch of UG students sitting for the final exams.

Approximately 60,000 freshers and 50,000 repeaters will appear. Practicals will follow the theoretical exams, which will take place on September 12, 2020.

The UGC Directive is to complete the examinations by the end of September. Bengaluru Central University has released the dates for the postgraduate examinations. Colleges admit that students are facing problems.

"So far, students have been taking online classes lightly hoping that the exams will be cancelled. Now they're worried and asking for classes. The higher education department had promised almost a month of physical education, but was later reduced to 15 and now 10, including a Sunday. This is hardly enough for us to do any justice to the students, "said BG Satyaprakash of the GT Institutions Group.

Also Read: No UG Admissions before Class 12 and II PU Results, says Bengaluru Central University

The implementation of social distances is also a matter of concern.

"There are 27 students in a practical class. If you split them into 14 and 13, the number of practical exam sessions will increase and 10 days of completion will not be possible. We're going to have the same problem for theoretical classes, where we have 60 batches. This will mean that we need more lecturers or time to complete classes within 10 days, "said a government college microbiology lecturer.

Many private colleges in the city have begun issuing circulars asking final-year students to start returning so that they can complete the quarantine period by starting time.

Also Read: Universities in Bengaluru Baffled by September 30 Exam Deadline Set by UGC​

"Fifty per cent of our students come from outside the state. They need to be back and complete the period of isolation. They need to start planning their return, "said Kavyasree R, Principal, Oxford College of Science.

Another concern is the lack of availability of the hostel, as many have been turned into quarantine facilities or COVID Care Centres.

"My students have expressed concern about where they would stay because the hostels are being used as quarantine centres," said the lecturer.

Some lecturers fear that some students may not be taking part in the exams. "It's not just about the level of trust. It's also about travel, staying, and the risk involved, "said a lecturer at the government college.

While teachers believe that the exams are necessary, they hope that UGC will give them some more time.

Also Read: Bengaluru Colleges Cutoff Rises As Students Secured High Marks In Class 12 Boards 
