AU Time Table 2020 Released for UG, PG Sept/Oct Final Sem Exam, Check Here

Andhra University published the Final year and Final semester Post-Graduation Programs Degree Exam Time Table of 2020 on its official website (

The college examinations will begin from September 28, 2020, to October 8, 2020, for Science, Arts, Law, B. Pharm, and B.ED students.

Along with this, Andhra University posted the Examination Time Table For LLB 3rd and 5th-year semester students, B.Pharmacy IV/IV 2nd-semester students, and B.ED Fourth semester students.

The Time Table for the following Exams is accessible at the official site of Andhra University ( Students can reach out to the official link to see the detailed time table.

Alternatively, direct links and details are provided below. 

Also read: Andhra University (AU) Results in 2020: Semester Results, Exam Time Table, AUCET Result

Schedule of P.G. and Professional Examinations September/October 2020


Examination Dates

B Pharm 

21 September 2020


28 September 2020

Arts Phase I 

28 September 2020

Arts Phase II

7 October 2020


7 October 2020


8 October 2020

Andhra University Post Graduate Program Time Table 2020

The University decided to conduct the End Semester Examinations for the terminal semester of Post Graduate Programs as per the revised date-sheet release. The structural engineering time table along with other programs has been released on the official site of the college too. 

"Regular, Private and Ex-Students of Andhra University are to be informed that practical examinations will be conducted in September/October" Posted the university. 

Also Read: Andhra University MBA and MCA Admission 2020: Eligibility, Result, Fees

Andhra University PG and UG Exam Time Table 2020



Andhra University Undergraduate Courses Time Table

Click here

Andhra University Postgraduate and Professional Courses Time Table 

Click here

The Examination Paper will consist of 70% of theoretical marks achieved by the students in their examinations. Students who have not exhausted the maximum study period as per the regulations of the college are eligible to appear in the examinations.

How To Check Andhra University Time Table 2020 for PG and UG Programs

Students from affiliated College of Andhra University can follow these simple steps to check their examination date or download the date-sheet.

Step1: Visit the Official Site of Andhra University (

Step 2: Under the Student Corner, Click on the UG and PG Program Time Table

Step 3: Scroll down the list and Click on "Postgraduate and Professional Courses Time Table"

Step 4: A list of Time Tables in PDF format will appear on the screen, find your Program, and click on the link to open or download your date sheet.

Read: Andhra University M.Phil. And PhD. Admissions 2020: Eligibility, Result, Fees

The university also conducts the semester and year supplementary examinations for the previous year's failed student. The details are yet to be announced on the official site of the website. 

Students are advised to check the website of the college for regular updates on examinations.
