Anna University Introduces Mandatory Tamil Culture & Heritage Courses For Engineering Students; Check Details Here

New Delhi: Anna University, Tamil Nadu has introduced two unique courses in Tamil culture and heritage to promote local knowledge, culture, and heritage for Engineering students. During the first and second semesters of the technical program, the necessary classes would be offered.

Ariviyal Tamil (scientific thoughts and studies in Tamil) and Tamilar Marabu (heritage of the Tamils) are two courses created expressly for this objective. Ariviyal Tamil would be taught during the first semester, whereas Tamilar Marabu would be taught during the second.

The courses are intended to provide an understanding of the state's rich cultural legacy. It would also look at the engineering that went into making the fantastic buildings of Tamil Nadu.

Speaking with IANS, R. Velraj, vice chancellor of Anna University, emphasized that the institution was working on the course content. This is anticipated to be the case before the first semester of this academic year begins. He stated that the choice to include the subject was made so that children would connect with, appreciate, and protect their heritage.

Both subjects are required for all engineering students, regardless of their stream. Before the start of the first semester classes in September, university officials indicated that course materials were being prepared by subject matter experts.

Regarding the instructional medium, the Vice Chancellor confirmed that course materials would be produced in both Tamil and English. He stated that while preference would be given to preparing for the exam in Tamil, pupils would have the opportunity to further develop their Tamil language skills. Students from other states who apply through CBSE would also be able to get the material in English to help them understand it.

Noticeably, after 25 years, Anna University recently updated its engineering syllabus. It has also implemented "minor courses" to help students acquire additional skills and find employment. Students can pursue a minor in subjects such as fintech and blockchain in addition to their majors.

In order to improve students' comprehension of English and other foreign languages, the university has added an English practical laboratory as a first-semester course. Students would be required to attend practical classes in a communication laboratory during the second semester, where they would be taught additional foreign languages. The third semester now includes a course on professional development.

"Beginning with the fifth semester, BE/BTech students are required to register for additional courses (18 credits). These courses must be from the same vertical or a combination of verticals from the same program," said Velraj.

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