AMU Online Courses get UGC Approval; Check details here

University Grants Commission (UGC) has officially approved Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) to offer various online courses for the academic year 2021-22. 

Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) is now all set to run the maximum number of courses in the updated list of Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) entitled to start full-fledged online programmes. Centre for Distance Education and Online Education, AMU has officially submitted the affidavit ensuring compliance to UGC (Open and Distance Learning Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020. 

The UGC, earlier approved 38 universities to offer Online Programmes including three Central Universities JMI, JNU and AMU. As per reports, the Centre for Distance Education and Online Education, AMU has now got approval to run the maximum number of online courses among the other universities. 

The UGC has made a notification for starting the full-fledged Online Programmes by the HEI’s which satisfies all the requirements laid down by UGC online regulation 2020. After getting approval from the expert committee of the online programmes, the UGC made a notification vide F.No. 1-14/2020 (DEB-1) on June 11, 2021. 

With the approval from the UGC, Professor Tariq Mansoor, AMU Vice-Chancellor expressed his gratitude and satisfaction that has been made by the University in introducing the online programmes. He stated that AMU will ensure to cater to the student's needs from every section of the society with an affordable fee structure so that education is available for everyone in the country. Further, he added that there's a plan to enrol international students for these online courses.

AMU Admissions 2021 for the approved online programmes by UGC has already commenced. Students can find these online programmes on the official website of CDOE, AMU,

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