AICTE: Admission Guidelines for MBA/PGDM Courses Revised for Academic Year 2020-2021

Since many states have not been able to conduct entrances in the wake of COVID-19, AICTE has recently revised its guidelines with regard to admission in the MBA/PGDM programs. Admissions to MBA or PGDM courses without CAT, MAT, CMAT, ATMA, XAT, or other entrance exams have been allowed for the academic year of 2020-21. Few of national management entrance tests like MAT (next administration of which is scheduled for November-December) has provided provision of appearing for the test from the comfort of home in IBT mode. Other exams like CAT is scheduled for November. But exams like XAT and CMAT witnessed cancellation

Business colleges or universities can offer MBA/PGDM programs to candidates on the basis of qualifying undergraduate exams ONLY if incase seats are left vacant. AICTE has clarified that that first preference for admission to MBA/PGDM programs would be offered to students who have already appeared in the management entrance tests.

Regarding the move, Prof. Rajeev Kumar, member secretary of the AICTE stated, “ The decision has been taken so that if the seats are left vacant in management institutes since the students were unable to appear for the exam, then on the basis of qualifying UG marks, they will be offered admission to fill the vacant seats .”

AICTE Circular to MBA/ PGDM Aspirants

As per AICTE, the primary motive of the decision is to ensure that the interest of both the students as well as the institution is safeguarded. Admission on the basis of UG marks does not mean not appearing for entrance examinations. It is solely based on the number of seats left vacant with institutes to give a fair chance to candidates willing to seek admission. The revised guidelines for admission into MBA/PGDM programs will only be applicable for the year 2020-21.

Management Exams: Status

Presently, some state-level management entrance examinations have been postponed in the wake of COVID-19. These include exams such as: 
