Nice place for the certification of professional exams. They will help the candidates in every possible way from exam scheduling to get the certificate. They will charge some extra amount for their services. And I think it is completely value for money as we don't have any headache. One con is lack of staff. My exam was scheduled on 2 pm. But exam started around 4:30 PM. So you have to keep ample amount of time in your hand, otherwise it may create problem. Besides this con, everything looks good to me. Keep it up. Will go there again for another certification.
Very cooperative people. Good place to give and schedule certificate exams. The people at the center will help you in every aspect, from understanding the certification system to scheduling the exams.
Good place but I think they lack staff . There was no person in the reception and the phone number posted on the board was also not working.
Here all the faculties are well experienced and too frank with all of us. If we ask any queries 100 times, they will repeat it 100 times. So my experienced with TechTree is very nice.
Went for examination. Very very poor infrastructure. Invigilators were talking on the phone. Classes were going in adjacent room as a result lot of disturbances.
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