UPESMET 2022 Admit Card, Exam Day Guidlines & Instructions

UPESMET 2022 Admit Card is not assigned by the conducting body as UPESMET will be held as AI proctored home based exam. After the successful completion of the application process, the candidate will be able to appear for the exam.

Candidates are advised to check all the details inscribed on the confirmation mail & in case of any discrepancy they should notify immediately to the university authority or email them with the issue concerned.

UPESMET 2022 Admit Card Highlights

Admit Cards available at  Not Applicable
Alternate Methods to get Admit Card None
Date of Admit Card Release at the official None
Credentials Required to Download Admit Card None


UPESMET Exam Day Do’s and Don'ts

  • Do log in at least an hour before the exam starts. This can be done by login in via the given link.
  • Do confirm your attendance by displaying the photo identity card.
  • Ensure that the camera and microphone of your computer or laptop is switched on till the end of UPESMET 2022.
  • Place the web camera in an angle through which invigilators can view the candidates along with the entire room while they are taking the exam.
  • Contact your exam invigilator if you have lost connection to the internet or facing any other issue.
  • Candidates who complete the test before 2 hours can utilise the rest for revision.
  • Do not use mobile hotspot to take the test.
  • Do not keep any electric gadget like calculator, mobile or Bluetooth devices, etc, apart from the device on high you are taking the test.
  • Remain seated in till the exam is over and d not use any headphones.

Exam Day Instructions

UPESMET 2022 Exam Day Instructions

  • Reach the examination center at least an hour before the commencement of the exam.
  • Applicants will not be allowed to enter the examination hall 10 minutes after the commencement of the exam at any cost.
  • Carry your admit card positively to the exam center. There should not be any tampering or physical damage done to it.
  • The candidate must present the admit card whenever asked.
  • OMR sheets must be handled with utmost care.
  • Ensure that you do not carry any electronic devices like calculators, watches with calculators, mobile phones, etc.
  • Rough sheets for calculations will be provided at the examination center.
  • Carefully mark the attendance in the sheet at the beginning of the exam and after completion of the exam.
  • Upon completion of the examination, the candidate must not discard UPESMET 2022 Admit Card.

Admit Card FAQs

UPESMET 2022 Admit Card FAQs

Ques. Will the candidate be able to get the UPESMET 2022 Admit Card offline?

Ans. UPESMET 2022 Admit card will be available online for the candidate to download from the university website.

Ques. Will PAN Card be considered as a valid id proof along with UPESMET 2022 Admit Card?

Ans. Yes, PAN card will be considered as the valid id proof for the candidate concerned.

Ques. What are the details mentioned in the UPESMET 2022 Admit Card?

Ans. The details mentioned in UPESMET 2022 Admit card are as follows:

  • Candidate’s Name
  • Roll Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Paper Name
  • Guardians Name
  • UPESMET 2022 Roll Number
  • Application Number
  • Address of the Candidate
  • Gender
  • Exam Centre and address
  • Exam Date and Time
  • Photograph and Signature
  • Important Instructions

Ques. Do I need a separate UPESMET 2022 admit card for each session?

Ans. Yes, the candidate who wishes to appear for each session will be needing a separate UPESMET 2022 Admit card.

Ques. Will I get an extra OMR sheet if the present one is tampered?

Ans. The candidate should handle the OMR sheet carefully as any damage will lead to cancellation of the candidate’s paper.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


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