PU CET UG 2023 Application Form (Extended), Exam Date, Admit Card, Syllabus, Result & Cutoff

PU CET UG 2023 is going to be conducted on April 23, 2023. Candidates will be able to download the admit card from April 18 onwards at the official website. They will require to enter their login ID and password to download PU CET UG 2023 Admit Card. 

As per PU CET UG 2023 Exam Pattern, the question paper will be divided into 6 sections i.e., Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Biotechnology, and Computer Science. Each section will have 60 questions of 2 marks. Candidates will get 70 minutes to solve each section of the question paper. Check PU CET UG 2023 Syllabus 

What is PU CET 2023?

Punjab University Common Entrance Test (PU CET) is a state-level entrance exam conducted by Punjab University, Chandigarh for candidates seeking admission to the various UG and PG programs. PU CET UG is conducted Undergraduate courses, While PU CET PG is conducted for Postgraduate courses.

PU CET Exam Highlights

PU CET Important dates

PU CET 2023 Exam Dates

Candidates must keep a track of the following important dates that are applicable to PU CET 2023 

Events Dates (UG Courses)
Availability of Application Form March 1, 2023
Last date to submit the Application form April 4, 2023
Last date for deposit of fee through Online mode April 6, 2023 
Last date for uploading of photograph, signature April 9, 2023
Availability of Admit Card Online April 18, 2023
Date of Entrance Test April 23, 2023 
Answer Key Releases 1st week of May, 2023
Last Date to Submit Objections Against Answer Key 1st week of May, 2023
Result May 12, 2023 (Tentative)

PUCET 2023 Highlights

  • Exam Name: Punjab University Common Entrance Test (PU CET )
  • PU CET 2023 Conducting Body: Punjab University, Chandigarh 
  • Mode of PU CET 2023 Application: Online 
  • Mode of PU CET 2023 Exam: Offline 
  • Medium of PU CET 2023 Exam: English 
  • Duration of PU CET 2023 Exam: 70 minutes for each section 
  • UG Courses: B.Pharmacy, B.Sc (Hons), BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)
  • PG Courses: Law, journalism, public health, disaster management, technology, engineering, arts, computer science

PU CET 2023 Application Form

The candidate has to make sure that the eligibility criteria is fulfilled by them based on the course they are applying for. The candidate has to fill the PU CET 2023 application form online and then take a print out of the form.

Candidates will have to send the following additional documents along with the PU CET 2023 application form to the head office, Chandigarh before the last date:

  • Candidate’s mark sheets of all qualifying exams
  • Candidate’s address proof
  • Candidate’s identity proof
  • Candidate’s photographs (as specified in the application form)

Candidates must note that all the documents have to be self attested. The application will be rejected in case the documents are not attached or the documents are deemed invalid.

Candidates must also note that the details once entered by him or her cannot be altered.

PU CET 2023 Application fee

  • Candidates from General Category have to pay INR 2175
  • Candidates from reserved categories (SC/ST/PwD) have to pay INR 1088
  • Additional fee per subject (both general and reserved) must pay INR 575

Candidates can choose to pay the fee online (credit card/ debit card/ net banking) or via offline mode (SBI eChallan).

PU CET Admit card

PU CET 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Before applying for PU CET 2023, candidates must note the following eligibility criteria:

  • Candidates must have passed or appeared in the 10+2 Examination of the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi or any equivalent exam conducted by a recognized board or university with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English.

Note: Candidates who have passed or appeared in 10+2 Examinations of Mahila Gram Vidyapeeth, Allahabad are not in the eligibility criteria to appear in PU CET (BHMS) Entrance Test, as this institution will be derecognised by Punjab University, Chandigarh.  Candidates can get a full list of recognized universities from the official website of PU CET UG.Check Here PU CET 2023 Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates have to be a citizen of India. Foreign citizens will have the option to apply via NRI quota.
  • Candidates must be of 17 years of age as on 31st December, 2023 to be eligible to apply for PU CET 2023.

PU CET PG 2023 candidates have a separate set of eligibility criteria, as listed below:

  • The candidate must have passed the qualifying examination (bachelor degree program or equivalent from a recognized university) for a particular course with a minimum of 50%-55% marks (depending upon the course for which he/ she is applying). Candidates in their final year and appearing for the qualifying exam are also eligible to apply for PU CET PG 2023. provided the candidate pass their qualifying exams by the time of admission.

For further details on the eligibility criteria for both PU CET UG 2023 and PU CET PG 2023, candidates can follow the Panjab University official website.

Reservation of seats for Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), Persons with Disability (PwD) etc category candidates will be according to the Chandigarh Administration or Panjab University, Chandigarh guidelines.

For Physically Handicapped candidates, the following eligibility criteria will be applicable:

  • 1st preference - Candidates suffering from Locomotor disabilities of Lower Limbs between 50% - 70%.
  • 2nd preference - Candidates suffering from Locomotor Disabilities of Lower Limbs between 40% - 50%

Candidates with blindness (including colour blindness) and those who are deaf and dumb will not be eligible to sit for PU CET 2023.

PU CET Applications

PU CET 2023 Admit Card

  • Candidates will be issued the admit card after they have successfully registered themselves.
  • Candidates can download the admit card from the respective official websites of PU CET UG 2023 and PU CET PG 2023.
  • Candidates will need their login id and password created at the time of registration to get their admit card for PU CET 2023.
  • The general instructions for the examination are on the backside of the PU CET 2023 admit card.

Candidates must the following details relevant to their PU CET 2023 admit card:

  • Candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall without the admit card.
  • Candidates must take multiple printouts of the admit card and keep it safe as they will need it for verification purpose at every level of the admission process.
  • Candidates must check that all details given on the admit card are correct or not. Candidates must raise an immediate concern if any detail is found incorrect.

Exam Centers

Candidates must note that PU CET UG 2023 is conducted only in the Panjab University campus in Chandigarh.

PU CET Exam Pattern

PU CET 2023 Syllabus

Candidates can go through the tentative syllabus for PU CET UG 2023 as listed below:

Biology Computer Science Mathematics Biotechnology
Diversity in Living World Computer Fundamentals Sets and Functions Introduction to Biotechnology
Structural Organization in animals and plants Introduction to C++ Algebra Biomolecules
Cell Structure and Function Programming Methodology Co-ordinate Geometry Cell and Development
Plant Physiology Programming in C++ Calculus Genetics and Molecular Biology
Human Physiology Programming in C++ Mathematical Reasoning Protein and Gene Manipulation
Reproduction Data Structures Relations and Functions Cell Culture and Genetic Manipulation
Genetics and Evolution Database Management System and SQL Vectors and Three-dimensional Geometry -
Biology and Human Welfare Boolean Algebra Linear Programming -
Biotechnology and its application Networking and Open Source Software Probability -
Ecology and its environment - - -
Chemistry Physics
Some Basic concepts of chemistry Physical world and measurements
Structure of Atom Kinematics
Classification of Elements and periodicity of properties Laws of motion
Chemical bonding and molecular structure Work, Energy and Power
States of matter, gases and liquids Motion of System of Particles and rigid body
Thermodynamics Gravitation
Equilibrium properties of bulk matter
Redox Reaction Thermodynamics
Hydrogen Behavior of perfect gas and kinetic theory
s-Block Elements Oscillation and Waves
Group 14 Elements Electrostatics
Organic Chemistry Current Electricity
Hydrocarbons Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Environmental Chemistry Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents
Solid State Electromagnetic waves
Solutions Optics
Electrochemistry Dual nature of matter and radiation
Chemical Kinetics Atoms and nuclei
Surface Chemistry Electronic Devices
General Principles and processes of isolation of elements Communication systems
p- Block Elements -
d and f Block Elements -
Coordination Compounds -
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes -
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers -

For a detailed description of the syllabus, candidates are advised to follow the official PU CET UG 2023 website. The syllabus for PU CET PG courses will vary depending on the course chosen by the candidate. The detailed syllabus will be given in the PU CET PG 2023 official website.

PU CET Result

PU CET 2023 Exam Pattern

As per PU CET UG 2023 Exam pattern, the paper will be divided into the following six sections:

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Mathematics
  • Biotechnology
  • Computer Science

Each section will be of 70 minutes and carry questions of 2 marks each. Negative marking for 0.25 will be applicable to incorrect answers.

Subject Total number of Questions Total marks Duration
Paper - I Physics 60 120 70 minutes
Paper - II Chemistry 60 120 70 minutes
Paper - III Biology 60 120 70 minutes
Paper - IV Mathematics 60 120 70 minutes
Paper - V Biotechnology 60 120 70 minutes
Paper - VI Computer Science 60 120 70 minutes

The medium of the paper will strictly be in English. Candidates can follow the table for PU CET 2023 Exam Pattern Highlights:

Number of Sections 6
Time for each section 70 minutes
Number of questions in each section 60
Marks for each question 2
Negative marking 0.25
Total marks for each section 120
Medium of Exam English
Mode of Exam Offline (OMR)

PU CET Syllabus

PU CET 2023 Result

  • The results for PU CET 2023 is expected to be released on May 12, 2023.
  • Once the scorecard is made available online on the official PU CET 2023 website, the candidate can download his or scorecard from the website.
  • No separate scorecards will be mailed to the candidates individually.
  • PU CET score and merit list will strictly be based on the candidate's’ performance in PU CET 2023.

Candidates will have to follow the steps listed below to get their scorecard.

  1. Candidates will have to first open the official website
  2. Candidates will then have to click on the link for the PU CET 2023 result “Click here to check PU CET (U.G. & BHMS) - 2023 Entrance Test Result”
  3. Candidates will then have to select the stream he or she has applied to and check the result for that stream

PU CET 2023 Answer Key

The answer key for PU CET 2023 will be published on the official website after the exam is over. If the students feel there is a disparity in their marking, they must write an official letter to the exam conducting body within 2 days of declaration of the answer key.

PU CET 2023 Seat Reservation

There is reservation of seats for PU CET 2023. The following list gives a detailed idea about the reservation of seats for PU CET 2023:

  • 1 seat is reserved for a student of foreign origin nominated by Government of India.
  • 1 seat is reserved for a student from the States and Union Territories lacking facilities in this field and repatriates from Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka etc.
  • 2 seats are reserved for the students from rural area category
  • 1 seat is reserved for a student from Border Area
  • 2 seats are reserved for single girl children with no male siblings
  • 1 seat is reserved for student suffering from diseases like Cancer/ AIDS/ Thalassemia.
  • Additional seats will be created as required for children of officers who have served during Kargil war

PU CET 2023 Merit List

The merit list for the candidates appearing for PU CET 2023 will be created based on the categories given below:

  • Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
  • Physics, Chemistry and Biotechnology
  • Physics, Chemistry and Computer Sciences
  • Mathematics only

For the merit list, the weightage of the written exam is 75% and the 12th board scores is 25%.

PU CET Counselling

PU CET 2023 Counselling

PU CET 2023 counselling process will be conducted online. Counselling for UG will commence from 3rd week of July, 2023 (tentatively). Candidates must fill their preferences online for admission to the various courses. The seats will be allotted based on PU CET 2023 Merit List. Some of the important points related to PU CET counselling are listed below:

  • The counselling schedule will be published on the official Panjab University website. Candidates must keep a check on that for accurate details.
  • The candidate will have to submit the Counselling fee either through online mode (credit card/ debit card/ net banking) or offline at the University.
  • Candidate will get a seat based on the PU CET 2023 merit list and provisional Admission letter.
  • Candidates will have to report to the counselling centre within the stipulated time with all the required documents (10th and 12th Mark Sheet, Aadhar Card etc) and counselling fee.
  • If the candidate fails to report on time or pay the counselling fee, his or her application will be rejected.
  • Seats will be allotted online so Candidates can regularly check University Website
  • Candidates should carefully fill in the preferences and options. No change will be allowed after they have locked in their preference.
  • The admission dates and timing of reporting will be displayed along with the Merit list on the Panjab University website.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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