OJEE Syllabus 2023, Course-wise Syllabus, Important Topics

OJEE 2023 Syllabus is specified by Odisha Joint Entrance Examination Commitee.OJEE Syllabus is different as per the programs for which the entrance exam will be conducted. The subjects include Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Analytical and Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Abilities, Verbal Reasoning and Comprehension and General Awareness, and Business Fundamentals. Download OJEE Practice Papers 

OJEE 2023 will consist of objective-type questions in which 4 marks will be awarded for each correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted as p for each incorrect answer. Check OJEE 2023 Exam Pattern.

OJEE Syllabus for B.Pharm

OJEE 2023 Syllabus: B.Pharm

OJEE 2023 Syllabus for Pharmacy consists of three sections: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Biology (Zoology and Botany). Candidates who apply for B.Pharma can either appear for Mathematics or Biology. The exam is conducted in offline mode in different shifts. 

OJEE B.Pharm Syllabus: Physics

Physics is claimed to be the toughest section in OJEE 2023 exam for B.Pharm. Some of the most important topics to aid the preparation of this section are Heat and Thermodynamics, Current Electricity, Optics, Wave Motion and SHM.

Measurements and Motion Wave Motion
Characteristics of Materials Optics
Heat and thermodynamics Electronic Devices
Liquids Relativity and Nuclear Physics
Electricity and Magnetism -

Also Check OJEE 2023 Practice Papers

OJEE B.Pharm Syllabus: Chemistry

The Chemistry section in OJEE paper has 60 questions from the topics given in the table below. 

The solid State of Matter Types of Chemical Reactions
Liquid State of Matter Non-Metals and Properties
Solutions Electrochemistry
Gaseous State of Matter Nuclear Chemistry
Atoms and Molecules Metals and Metallurgy
Structure of Atoms and Molecules Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Chemical Bonds Aliphatic Compounds
Periodic Classification Aromatic Compounds
Energetics (Chemical energetics) Biochemistry
Equilibrium Chemistry in service of mankind
Chemical Kinetics Environmental Chemistry

Some of the most important topics for the Chemistry section in OJEE B.Pharm paper include Chemical Kinetics, Equilibrium, Solutions, Aromatic Compounds, Introduction to Organic Chemistry. 

OJEE B.Pharm Syllabus: Mathematics

Detailed OJEE Syllabus 2023 for Mathematics in B.Pharma paper include topics such as:

Logic Sequence and Series
Algebra of Sets Vectors
Number System Differential Calculus
Determinants and Matrices Integral Calculus
Trigonometry Differential Equations
Coordinate Geometry of two dimensions Probability and Statistics
Coordinate geometry of three dimensions Number Systems
Quadratic Polynomials -

Important topics for OJEE Mathematics include Calculus- Differential and Integral, Vectors, Quadratic Polynomials, Sequence and Series

OJEE B.Pharm Syllabus: Biology Syllabus

OJEE B.Pharm Syllabus for Biology divided into two sections- Botany and Zoology. Biology section is comparatively an easy subject and includes conceptual questions.

Botany Syllabus
Diversity of plant life Recombinant DNA and Tissue Culture Technique
Morphology of Angiosperms Complexities of Plant Life
Taxonomy of flowering plants Processes in Plants
Cell: Structure and Function Ecology
Continuity of life Economic Botany
Genetic Material Common Plant Diseases
Zoology Syllabus
Animal World Animal Excretion
Classification of Kingdoms Control and Coordination
Introduction to Diversity of Animal Life Human Endocrine System
Animal Morphology Genetics
Animal Histology Animal Reproduction and Human Development
Animal Locomotion Human Development
Animal Physiology Cellular Growth
Animal Respiration Biology in Human Welfare
Animal Circulation -

Check OJEE Syllabus for Pharmacy pdf

OJEE Syllabus for LE B.Tech (Diploma Students)

OJEE 2023 Syllabus : LE B.Tech (for Diploma Students)

OJEE 2023 Syllabus for LE Diploma consists of three sections namely Engineering Mathematics, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Students will be asked 120 objective type questions and the paper will be held in two shifts: 

  1. First shift comprises questions based on Engineering Mechanics and Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
  2. Second shift comprises questions based on Engineering Mathematics.

Mathematics Syllabus

Given below are the important topics from this section:

  • Calculus
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Vector Algebra
  • Trigonometry

All the topics included in this section are tabulated below:

Algebra Calculus
Matrices and Determinants Ordinary Differential Equation
Trigonometry Coordinate Geometry of Three Dimension
Analytical Geometry Statistics and Probability
Vector Algebra -

Engineering Mechanics Syllabus

Here are a few chapters to be focused while appearing for OJEE:

  • Dynamics
  • Friction
  • Center of Gravity and Moment of Inertia

The table below includes all the topics from this section:

Force Moments Simple Lifting Machine
Center of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Simple Stress and Strain
Friction Dynamics
Gear Drive

Basic Electrical Engineering Syllabus

Here are a few important topics from this section of the OJEE LE Exam:

  • AC Theory
  • Storage Devices
  • Wiring and Power Building

Check the detailed syllabus of basic electrical engineering from the table below:

Fundamentals Wiring and Power Building
AC Theory Measuring Instruments
Generation of Electrical Power Storage Devices
Conversion of Electrical Energy -
OJEE Syllabus LE B.Tech (B.Sc Students)

OJEE Syllabus 2023: LE B.Tech (for B.Sc Students)

OJEE Syllabus 2023 for LE B.Tech for students with a B.Sc degree include Mathematics (+2 Level), Physics (+3 Level) and Chemistry (+3 Level). 

Mathematics (+2 Level) Syllabus

Logic Sequence and Series
Algebra of Sets Vectors
Number System Differential Calculus
Determinants and Matrices Integral Calculus
Trigonometry Differential Equations
Coordinate geometry of two dimensions Statistics and Probability
Coordinate Geometry of three dimensions Number System
Quadratic Polynomials

Physics (+3 Level) Syllabus

Mechanics Physical Optics
Oscillations Quantum Mechanics
The motion of charged particles in an electric and magnetic field Week Spectra
Electrostatics Solid State Physics
Electric Current Magnetism
Magnetostatics Band Structure
Time-Varying Fields Solid State Devices
Electromagnetic Waves Semiconductor Devices
Kinetic Theory of Matter Electronics
Thermodynamics Field effect Transistors
Kinetic theory of Gases -

Chemistry (+3 Level) Syllabus

Thermodynamics Chemical Bonding
Thermochemistry s-Block Elements
Chemical equilibrium p-Block Elements
Phase equilibrium Chemistry of Noble Gases
Electrochemistry-I Coordination Compounds
Electrochemistry-II Structure, bonding and mechanism of Organic reactions
Atomic Structure Stereochemistry of Organic compounds
Periodic Properties -
OJEE Syllabus for MCA

OJEE 2023 Syllabus: MCA

OJEE 2023 Syllabus for MCA includes two sections- Mathematics and Computer Awareness with 60 questions in each section. 

OJEE MCA Syllabus: Computer Awareness

Given below are the topics included in the Computer Awareness section:

Introduction to Computer C language
Computer Arithmetic -

OJEE MCA Syllabus: Mathematics

The important topics from this section are:

  • Calculus
  • Vectors
  • Sequence and Series
  • Probability and Statistics

Check the table below for detailed OJEE MCA Maths syllabus:

Logic Sequence and Series
Algebra of Sets Vectors
Number System Differential Calculus
Determinants and Matrices Integral calculus
Trigonometry Differential Equations
Coordinate geometry of two dimensions Probability and Statistics
Coordinate geometry of three dimensions Number System
Quadratic Polynomials

Check OJEE Syllabus for MCA pdf

OJEE Syllabus for LE MCA

OJEE 2023 Syllabus: LE MCA

Just like MCA, OJEE LE MCA syllabus consists of mathematics and computer awareness as its two sections. Candidates have to solve 120 objective type questions in 2 hours.

OJEE 2023 LE MCA Syllabus: Computer Awareness

There are 60 questions from Computer Awareness in the exam. Check the table below for complete OJEE 2023 Syllabus of LE MCA Computer Awareness

Introduction to Computer Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Networking
Computer Arithmetic Introduction to Operating systems
C Language Logical reasoning and verbal abilities
C++ and data structure -

OJEE 2023 LE MCA Syllabus: Mathematics

Logic Sequence and Series
Algebra of Sets Vectors
Number System Differential Calculus
Determinants and Matrices Integral calculus
Trigonometry Differential Equations
Coordinate geometry of two dimensions Probability and Statistics
Coordinate geometry of three dimensions Number System
Quadratic Polynomials -
OJEE Syllabus for MTech

OJEE 2023 Syllabus: MTech

OJEE Syllabus for M.Tech includes three sections:

  • Analytical and Logical Reasoning with 10 questions based on usage of systematic series based on mathematical procedures, judgments based on statements.
  • Engineering Mathematics with 20 questions and 
  • Branch Subject with 60 questions (includes Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Computer Science/ Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Plastic Engineering, Textile Engineering. 
OJEE Syllabus FAQs

OJEE 2023 Preparation Books

Book name Publication/ Author
  • Objective Computer Awareness by Arihant Publications
  • Chapterwise Topicwise Solved Mathematics Papers for Engineering Entrances by B.L. Sharna
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by R.S. Agarwal
LE B.Tech 
  • Introduction to Mechanics by Daniel Kleppner and Robert Kolenkow
  • Engineering Mathematics by SS Bhavikatti
  • Question Bank for Electrical Engineering by J B Gupta
BPharma, BHMS and BAMS
  • Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov
  • Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J D Lee
  • NCERT Books of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 
  • Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
  • Analytical and Logical Reasoning for MBA and other entrance exams by Peeyush Bharadwaj
  • Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by R S Aggarwal

OJEE 2023 Syllabus FAQs

Ques. Is mathematics a compulsory subject in OJEE 2023 Syllabus for pharmacy?

Ans. No. Students can opt for either mathematics or biology along with physics and chemistry as compulsory subjects in OJEE 2023. Candidates can look at the exam pattern and understand more about it.

Ques. How many questions are there in OJEE 2023 LE B.Tech paper for diploma students?

Ans. There are 3 sections with a total of 120 objective type questions in OJEE 2023 LE B.Tech. Any changes to this will be announced on the official exam notification

Ques. What are the important basic electrical and electronics engineering topics in OJEE 2023 LE B.Tech for Diploma students?

Ans. The following are important chapters for OJEE 2023 LE B.Tech for Diploma students basic electrical and electronics engineering

  • AC Theory
  • Storage Devices
  • Wiring and Power Building

Ques. What are the important topics in OJEE 2023 LE B.Tech Syllabus (for B.Sc students) for the physics section?

Ans. Here are a few important topics in the physics section of OJEE 2023 LE B.Tech Syllabus (for B.Sc students):

  • Mechanics
  • Electrostatics
  • Optics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Kinetic Theory of Gases

Ques. What are the sections included in OJEE 2023 syllabus for MCA?

Ans. There are two sections in MCA for OJEE 2023, namely Computer Awareness and Mathematics. Candidates are asked 60 questions in each section.

Ques. Is there any negative marking in OJEE 2023?

Ans. Yes. While candidates get +4 for each correct answer. Candidates will also get -1 for each wrong answer in OJEE 2023.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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