KMAT Kerala 2023 Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, Syllabus, Preparation, & Recommended Books

KMAT Kerala 2023 Exam Pattern is specified by the exam conducting body. KMAT Kerala 2023 will have 180 objective-type questions divided into 4 sections viz. Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, General Awareness, and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension. The candidate should familiarize themselves with KMAT Kerala 2023 Exam Pattern to prepare well for the exam. 

KMAT Kerala 2023 First Session exam date is February 19, 2023. Candidates will be able to get admission in MBA & PGDM courses across different universities in Kerala based on their KMAT Kerala 2023 Result

Pattern Highlights

KMAT Kerala 2023 Exam Pattern Highlights

Particulars Details
KMAT Kerala 2023 exam date for the 1st session February 19, 2023
Number of sections 4
Duration of exam 180 minutes
Number of questions 180
Exam Total Marks 720 marks
Language of paper English
Number of answer choices 4 (MCQs)
Mode of examination Online
KMAT Kerala Marking scheme
  • +4 marks for a correct answer 
  • -1 mark for wrong answer
KMAT Kerala 2023 Paper Pattern Important Points
  • There is no sectional time limit to complete the paper.
  • The syllabus of KMAT is based on the fundamentals of the 10+2 curriculum.
  • As per the Marking Scheme, 4 marks are awarded for a correct answer, and for every wrong answer 1 mark will be deducted.

Exam Pattern 2023

KMAT Kerala 2023 Exam Pattern

  1. Mode of Exam- KMAT Kerala 2023 will be a computer-based test and the questions will be displayed on the screen. 
  2. Duration of Exam- KMAT Kerala 2023 will be 180 minutes, wherein there is no restriction regarding solving a particular section within a stipulated time limit.
  3. Medium of Exam- English, each question in the exam will be asked in English only and a candidate must provide the answer in the same language throughout the paper in KMAT Kerala 2023.
  4. No. of Sections- There will be Four sections in KMAT Kerala 2023 namely English Language and Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude, Data Sufficiency & Logical Reasoning, and General Knowledge & Contemporary Business Scenario

Section 1: Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension

  • This section will test the student’s knowledge and proficiency in the English language.
  • There will be unseen passages that must be answered based on the information or facts given in the passage are also asked. The questions are usually direct and the difficulty level is easy to moderate.

Section 2: Quantitative Aptitude

  • This section will test the basic mathematical ability of individuals. It is considered to be relatively a scoring section though the level of difficulty for this section is moderate to high.
  • This sub-division will examine a student on how quick as well as accurate he/she is when it comes to thinking. The questions might, either be in sets or individual ones.

Section 3: Data Sufficiency & Logical Reasoning

  • In this section, the ability of applicants to understand graphs, charts, tables, and patterns from the data given as also their visualization power is analyzed.
  • The question will be of Matriculation standards in this sub-division.
  • Work efficiency of students with numbers, numerical calculations, various arithmetic problems involving ratio & proportion, percentage, interest, time and speed, etc. will be tested.
  • The students will also counter Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, quantitative reasoning, interpretation of tables, common graphs, and charts are some other topics that would be evaluated here.

Section 4: General Knowledge & Contemporary Business Scenario

  • In this section, the candidate’s awareness of the current scenario at state, national and international levels is tested.
  • There is no exact syllabus for this but current and conventional general knowledge from past and present is required to clear this section. 

Question Distribution

KMAT Kerala 2023 Section Wise Question Distribution

Subjects Number of Questions Number of Marks
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension 50 200
Quantitative Ability 50 200
Data Sufficiency and Logical Reasoning 40 160
General Awareness & Contemporary Business Scenario 40 160
Total 180 Questions 720 Marks

KMAT Kerala 2023 Marking Scheme

Type Marks
Correct Answer +4
Incorrect Answer -1
Unanswered 0

Syllabus 2023

KMAT Kerala 2023 Syllabus

The syllabus of KMAT Kerala 2023 is segregated into four sections. However, the syllabus of this test is similar to that of MBA entrance exams like CAT or MAT. Tabulated below is the syllabus of this exam subject wise. It is very important to understand the syllabus precisely to secure good marks in the test.

Subjects Topics
English Language Usage and Reading Comprehension
  • Para completion
  • Fact Inference Judgment
  • Word usage
  • Sentence Correction
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Para Jumble
Quantitative Aptitude
  • Arithmetic - Number System, HCF, LCM, Ratio and Proportion, Simplification, Percentage
  • Algebra - Theory of Equations, Sequence and Series, Quadratic Equation, Permutation and Combination
  • Geometry - Angles, Lines, Triangles, Circles
  • Mensuration - Areas and Volumes – Rectangles, Squares, Triangles, Circles, Cubes, Cones, Spheres, Pipes and Cistern
  • Calculus - Maxima and Minima, Function
  • Trigonometry - Trigonometric Ratios, Heights and Distances.
Data Sufficiency and Logical Reasoning
  • Data Sufficiency- Tables, Bar Graph, Line Graph, Pie Chart, Combination of Graphs, Data Sufficiency, Venn Diagram
  • Logical Reasoning- Blood Relations, Syllogism, Venn Diagram, Propositions, Data Arrangement, Puzzles, Assumptions, Statements
General Knowledge and Contemporary Business Scenario
  • Politics and Culture
  • Economics
  • Business\
  • Sports
  • Social Developments
  • Current Affairs of National and International Importance
  • Economy
  • Personalities in News
  • Sports news
  • Trade Awareness

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Recommended Books

KMAT Kerala 2023 Recommended Books

Book Title Author/ Publications
Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for CAT Nishit Sinha
Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning for CAT Nishit Sinha
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination Tips, Techniques, and Short-cut Methods Abhijit Guha
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT Arun Sharma
Business English and Communication Clark Zimmer
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension by Ajay Singh, Publisher Ajay Singh
Class 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Textbooks NCERT/ Kerala State Board

Important Instructions

KMAT Kerala Preparation Tips 2023

With KMAT Kerala 2023 (First Session) exam is only a few days away, candidates must refer to the below-mentioned last-minute preparation tips to ace the exam:

  • Focus on Time Management: Candidates have only 180 minutes to attempt 180 questions, hence they are advised not to spend more than 60 seconds on any question.
  • Revision of Important Topics & Formulas: Revision is very essential to retain all that has been learned related to the particular topics. Candidates must select the most important topics and revise them thoroughly.
  • Being Calm & Confident: Candidates must take 7-8 hours of sleep the night before the exam. While solving the paper, each candidate must read the instructions carefully before beginning with the paper. Stay calm, composed, motivated, and do not lose confidence during the exam.
  • Focus on Accuracy during Calculations: When solving the questions in the Quantitative Aptitude and data analysis section, it is essential to do the calculations accurately. Revising formulae and theorems will help you ace the quantitative aptitute section like an expert.
  • Revise GK notes: Candidates who have prepared study notes for the GK section, must revise all those notes and important points to ensure that they remember them on the exam day.

KMAT Kerala 2023 Important Instructions

  • The candidate needs to be present at the KMAT Kerala 2023 exam center 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the KMAT Kerala 2023 examination.
  • Entry of a student would be prohibited in the KMAT Kerala 2023 center without the issued admit card in any circumstances.
  • Electronic gadgets including mobile phones, calculators, or suchlike are not allowed inside KMAT Kerala 2023 test center.
  • The candidate is not allowed to open the exam booklet unless instructed.
  • Candidates will be given an extra 10 minutes to read the test booklet thoroughly to avoid confusion regarding anything.
  • Personal belongings like bags/ mobiles are not allowed inside the KMAT Kerala 2023 center. The center would not be responsible for any sort of stealing or losing of the belongings.
  • Accurate details must be filled in the answer sheet by the applicant or else there is a possibility that the result will not be evaluated.
  • Answers should be marked correctly as per the applicant’s ability and knowledge by darkening the option in the OMR sheet.
  • The candidate is not allowed to leave the KMAT Kerala 2023 test center before the exam timings as it will lead to the cancellation of the exam.
  • Candidate who is found guilty of any unfair means will be responsible for the disqualification of his/her candidature.

Exam Pattern FAQs

KMAT Kerala 2023 Exam Pattern FAQs

Q1. How to use the OMR sheet in KMAT Kerala 2023?

Ans. The student should not cut the OMR sheet in KAMT Kerala 2023 or draw lines as it will lead to the cancellation of the paper. The candidate is advised to use a pencil to mark the answers first and then during the final hour fill it with a pen.

Q2. How many questions are asked in the KMAT Kerala 2023?

Ans. There will be in a total of 180 questions asked in the KMAT Kerala 2023.

Q3. Is there any negative marking for an incorrect answer in KMAT Kerala 2023?

Ans. Yes, for every incorrect answer the candidate will lose -1 in KMAT Kerala 2023 accordingly.

Q4. Name some preparation books for Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning section that can be helpful in KMAT Kerala 2023?

Ans. Preparation books for Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning section in KMAT Kerala 2023 are:

  • Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning for CAT by Nishit Sinha
  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension by Ajay Singh, Publisher

Q5. I am not good at English, Can I give KMAT Kerala 2023 exam in my mother tongue?

Ans. No, the university will conduct the KMAT Kerala 2023 in English only.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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