KLEEE 2023 Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, Model Question Paper

KLEEE 2023 Syllabus PDF has been released by the university on the official website. KLEEE 2023 Syllabus includes topics and sub-topics from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. KLEEE 2023 Syllabus is based on the central or state board Class 12th syllabus from Science (Physics and Chemistry), and Mathematics. 

  • As per KLEEE 2023 Exam Pattern, the question paper consists of objective-type questions with no negative marking.
  • KLEEE Question Paper comprises of 160 objective-type questions to be answered in 3 hours.
  • One mark is given for each correct answer.

KLUEE is a national-level entrance exam conducted by Koneru Lakshmaiah University. the exam is conducted for admission to B.Tech/B.E programs offered by the university, the difficulty of questions is expected to be of secondary level. 

KLEEE 2023 Syllabus PDF- Download Here

KLEEE 2023 Exam Pattern Highlights

Number of papers  1
Number of sections  3 (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics/Biolog)
Question Paper Type MCQ
Total Marks 160
Exam duration  3 hours

KLEEE 2023 Exam Pattern for Physics

It is considered as an elemental part in the understanding of the universe and everything that’s part of it. Being one of the major sections asked in KLEEE exam, Physics comprises a total of 40 questions. The total marks allotted to the section is 40 hence giving equal importance to each question with 1 mark. Take a quick look at KLEEE Exam Pattern for Physics.

  • Total Questions asked: 40
  • Maximum Marks: 40
  • Marking Scheme: 1 mark per correct response, No negative marking
  • Difficulty level: Secondary
  • Time to be invested: 50 to 70 minutes advisable

Syllabus for KLEEE Physics

Since KLEEE exam is conducted for undergraduate engineering entrance, syllabus for section is similar to Class XII and Class XI inclusive. It is also similar to the major engineering entrance conducted at national and state level. Here is the list of breakup of Topics that could come in the KLEEE Physics exam.

Most Important Topics Important Topics Topics with less importance
Gaseous Theory Dimensional Analysis Units and Dimensions
Center of Mass, Collision Newtons Laws of Motion Errors, Significant figures
2D and 3D Motions Scalars, Vectors Gravitation
Simple Harmonic Motion Sound Waves Dimensional Analysis
Circular Motion Electric Flux Physical World, Measurements
Gauss Theorem, Coulombs Law Solid State --
Thermodynamics Work Power Energy --
-- Modern Physics --

Books Recommended for KLEEE Physics

  • Concepts of Physics by HC Verma
  • Understanding Physics by DC Pandey
  • Physics Problems by IE Irodov
  • NCERT Physics
  • JEE Main Previous Year Papers

KLEEE 2023 Exam Pattern for Chemistry

Chemistry is often considered to be that branch of science which concerns with matter and its composition, the investigation of their properties and reactions. It also involves use of such reactions to form new substances. Similar to KLEEE physics, candidates appearing for 2023 exam are expected to have basic understanding of Chemistry of secondary level. Let’s look at the exam pattern for Chemistry in KLEEE 2023

  • Total questions asked: 40
  • Total Marks allotted: 40
  • Total time to be invested: advisable 30-40 minutes
  • Difficulty level: Secondary
  • Marking Scheme: 1 mark for each correct response, No negative marking

Syllabus for KLEEE Chemistry

Chemistry assists in disintegrating every aspect of universe and understand its attributes and behavior which involves its creation from a single cell. The process of creation and decay all comes under Chemistry. Take a quick look at the topics to help you understand the section a little better for KLEEE 2023

Most Important Less Important Topics with less importance
Periodic Table Inorganic Chemistry Dalton’s Atomic Theory
Chemical Kinetics Alkanes,Alkenes,Alkynes Atomic Mass
Molar Chemistry SN1 and SN2 Reactions Avagadro’s Hypothesis
Markownikoff’s and anti-Markownikoff’s additions Aromatic Compounds Chemical Equations
carbonyl compounds and esters Catalysts Oxidation-Reduction
Empirical and Molecular formula -- Gay Lussac’s Law

Books Recommended for KLEEE Chemistry

  • Chemistry by Pradeep’s
  • Organic Chemistry by OP Tandon
  • XII Chemistry by NCERT
  • WBJEE Previous Year Papers

KLEEE 2023 Exam Pattern for Mathematics

Mathematics is considered as an abstract science of number, quantity, Space and matter. Mathematics is undoubtedly the most important aspect of engineering studies. Engineering could not be possible or for fun let’s say, unimaginable without Mathematics. Mathematics is provisional in KLEEE exam is conducted for those with mathematics as a mandatory subject in at secondary level. Anyhow, let’s take a quick look at mathematics pattern for KLEEE 2023

  • Total Questions Asked: 80
  • Total Marks Allotted: 80
  • Total time to be invested: 60-90 minutes advisable
  • Difficulty level: Higher Secondary and Secondary
  • Marking Scheme: 1 marks for each correct response, No negative Marking

Syllabus for KLEEE Mathematics

Apart from being the most important, mathematics is also one of the toughest section to be asked in the exam of KLEEE 2023. Understanding its syllabus and picking out your favorite topic that also holds importance in the examination would be the best way to prepare for exam.

Most Important Topics Important Topics Topics with less importance
Progression and Series Differentiation Probability, Integration by parts. Integration by substitution and partial fraction.
Complex Numbers, conjugate Integration Properties of triangles,
Matrices, Quadratic Equations Differential Calculus Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation
Binomial Theorem, Sets Relations Mapping Sets, Relations and Mapping Maxima, Minima, Bayes’ Theorem
Trigonometric Functions Statistics, Inverse Trigonometry Tangents and Normal
Coordinate Geometry Distance Formula, Section Formula Scalar Triple Products

Recommended Books for KLEEE Mathematics

  • Mathematics by RS Agarwal
  • XII Mathematics: NCERT
  • XI Mathematics: NCERT
  • Mathematics by RD Sharma
  • JEE Main Previous Year Papers

Marking Scheme in KLEEE 2023

KLEEE is one of the most famous exams, not just across Andhra Pradesh but the whole country. Students aspiring for quality education in engineering head to KLEEE after JEE Main and their state entrances as their backup option. That makes competition in the exam a little tough. The merit list of all the qualified candidates is based on the marks scored by them in KLEEE exam. The marking scheme used in KLEEE is as follows

  • Total Questions asked: 160
  • Marks allotted for correct response: 1 mark
  • Marks deducted for incorrect response: No negative Marking
  • Marks deducted for questions not attempted: No Negative Marking

Important Instructions for KLEEE

Candidates appearing for KLEEE should understand and remember all the aspects of KLEEE Exam Pattern. If you are appearing for KLEEE 2023, knowledge about its pattern and topics that hold importance and significance in the exam will surely give you an upper hand over a well-prepared but less informed student. Here are some important instructions for candidates appearing for KLEEE 2023.

  • Collegedunia advised students to start with the Chemistry section as it consumes less time. The section does not involve heavy calculations and complex problems. If your concepts about basic chemistry are strong and you are well educated about the rules of Organic Chemistry along with formulas of physical chemistry, you will have to invest less time in the section.
  • Physics can be a little tricky in KLEEE 2023 at times. However, with clear concepts, you can tackle heavy questions in the section easily. Getting/ Making a handbook that contains important formulas will surely help. It will not only help you remember the basic concepts and formulas but with regular practice.
  • Mathematics is considered the toughest section of all as mentioned earlier. It is advisable to divide the topics into three parts as mentioned above. You can divide the topics into sections
    • I am best at these
    • Okay. I need a little practice for these
    • I am very bad at it.

Dividing topics as per your strength would help you strategize your preparation in a monotonous and healthy manner. Writing important formulae, squares, and cubes over the wall of your study table will help you revise in your subconscious every time you look at them.

KLEEE 2023 Model Question Paper- Download PDF

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


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