JNUEE 2022 Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Recommended Books

JNUEE 2022 is going to be conducted on December 7 -10, 2022. Candidates need to check JUEE 2022 Exam Pattern in order to prepare effectively and efficiently. Moreover, candidates need to go through JNUEE 2022 Syllabus, which consists of topics from 10+2 level for undergraduate and topics from degree level for Masters courses. 

  • JNUEE 2022 will be conducted in online mode for the duration of three hours.
  • The question paper of each program will carry questions of different nature i.e.  Objective type, Subjective type, or Short answer type questions.
  • There will be negative marking in case of wrong attempts for objective-type questions only.

National Testing Agency conducts JNUEE i.e. Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Exam to admit deserving applicants in different courses of undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. programs.

JNUEE 2022 Highlights

Organization Name National Testing Agency
Exam Name JNU Entrance Exam 2022
Courses offered UG/ PG/PhD courses
Type of Questions Both Objective and Subjective Type Questions (depending on the program)
Official website ntajnu.nic.in

JNUEE 2022 Exam Dates

Following are the events of JNUEE 2022:

Event Date
Entrance Exam on to be held on December 7 – 10, 2022
Result declaration January 2023
Viva-Voce of selected candidates February 2023

JNUEE 2022 Exam Pattern in Detail

Following is JNUEE 2022 Exam Pattern which includes some useful details about number of questions, subjects, Negative Marking and Exam Duration.

  • Exam Mode: The exam of JNUEE 2022 will be written in offline mode.
  • Number of Questions: There will be different number of question for each course.
  • Subjects: The subjects that include in question paper will depend upon the course. Subjects vary from 1 course to another.
  • Negative Marking: There will be negative marking for each wrong answer.
  • Exam Duration: The time provided for completing the examination will be 3 hours.
Courses Exam Pattern
M.Sc. Environmental Sciences Question paper will be of objective type and include questions in two parts. Part 1: Includes questions from Science and Mathematics of 10+2 standard. Part 2: Includes questions from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology, Botany and Zoology at B.Sc. level.
MCA The question paper will include multiple choice questions based on 10+2/Graduate level Mathematics and Probability (80% questions) and General Aptitude and reasoning (20% questions).
M.A. in Economics (with Specialization in World Economy) Objective type questions will be asked in examination comprising of 100 marks with negative marking. The paper tests the candidate’s knowledge in micro-economics, macro-economics, mathematics and statistics, International trade and some related disciplines, such as public economics and economic development.
B.A. (Hons.) 1st year in Foreign Language The paper judges General Knowledge, General English and Elementary Knowledge on the culture and civilization of the languages/country concerned and aptitude for language skills.
B.A. (Hons.) 2nd year in Foreign Language Knowledge of basic and applied grammar, besides some competence for simple translation from the English language concerned and vice-versa and familiarity with the culture and civilization of the country concerned. The paper will be set in respective foreign language.
M.Phil /Ph.D and M.Tech /Ph.D The entrance examination will consist of multiple choice questions. The question paper has Graduate/Post graduate level Mathematics and Statistics, Graduate/Post -graduate level Computer Science and General Aptitude.

JNUEE 2022 Syllabus

National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts JNUEE in order to offer admission to aspirants in undergraduate and postgraduate programs offered by it. The Syllabus of JNUEE 2022 varies according to the course. The detailed syllabus will be provided by the conducting authority on the date of notification.

The Syllabus of JNUEE 2022 is given below:

  • Technology Stream:
    1. Basic Engineering & Technology (of undergraduate level).
    2. Physics/Chemistry/Maths of undergraduate level).
    3. Fundamental Life Sciences and Informatics (10+2 level).
  • Life Science Stream:
  1. Life Sciences (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Immunology of post graduate level).
  2. Physics/Chemistry (undergraduate level).
  3. Maths, Computer & Information Sciences (10+2 level).

Detailed syllabus of Mathematics, General aptitude and Computer science is given below:

  • Mathematics:
    1. Real series analysis
    2. Trigonometry etc.
    3. Calculus and analytical geometry
    4. Differential equations
    5. Statistics and probability
    6. Modern Algebra and Matrix Theory
    7. Theory of Equation
    8. Numerical analysis
  • General aptitude
    1. Current affairs
    2. General Science
    3. History of India etc.
  • Computer science
  1. Representation of characters
  2. Binary and hexadecimal representations etc.
  3. Organization of a computer
  4. Floating point representation of numbers
  5. Data structures
  6. Fundamentals of Computer
  7. Integers and fractions
  8. Boolean algebra
  9. Input/output devices
  10. Venn diagrams
  11. Computer memory
  12. Computer Organisation
  13. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  14. Binary arithmetic
  15. C Language
  16. Truth tables
  17. Structure of instructions in CPU

Recommended Books for JNUEE 2022

Following are the books which help in preparing JNUEE 2022:

Subject Book Name Author
MA Economics   Economics J K Chopra
MA Economics  Microeconomics Robert S. Pindyck
MA Economics  Macroeconomics: Theories and Policies Richard T. Froyen
Ecology  Ecology Mr. P.D Sharma
Sociology Sociology George Ritzer
Sociology Sociology J.J. Macionis
Sociology Modern Sociological Theory Francis Abrahams
MA History  Ancient India Published by penguin Romila Thapar
MA History  Medieval India Satish Chandra
MA History  Medieval India published by NBT Irfan Habib
MA History  Ancient India D.N. Jha

Important Instructions for JNUEE 2022

Following are the important instructions while using the OMR Sheet or writing the exam:

  • The candidates should not open the sealed Test Booklet until the invigilator announces to open it.
  • After opening the sealed Test Booklet, the first thing students have to do is to verify the serial no. and series of the Test Booklet with the serial no. and series of OMR Sheet.
  • If any student finds any variation in the serial no. and series of Booklet and OMR Sheet, then they need to immediately inform the invigilator to replace it with another set of same series available in the exam hall centre.
  • There are some Codes written on each Answer booklet like A, B, C or D. Students have to check whether Test Booklet Code which is pre-printed on the Answer Sheet is same or not.
  • Answer Sheet will be scanned on Optical Scanner so students have to fill it using Blue/Black ball point pen only.
  1. Roll Number of student
  2.  Student's name
  3.  Father’s Name
  4.  Signature of the student
  • The answer once marked is not liable to be changed.
  • While filling up the circle, remember that it should not be left a light or faintly darkened.
  • Students don't have to do any rough work on the Answer Sheet.
  • Students will be assigned the Test Booklets to do rough work on it.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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