How to Become an Epidemiologist: Career Guide, Courses, After 12th, Jobs, Salary

Epidemiologists are general well-being experts who examine causes as well as respite for illness and injury in people. The epidemiology profession is more analytical, in contrast to other clinical fields. Applicants of the field would end up directing reviews, understanding the day to day environments of individuals locally, wellsprings of infections and illnesses, impacts of illnesses over a huge scope, and considerably more. 

In order to become an Epidemiologist, candidates must have an Undergraduate as well as a Postgraduate degree in Epidemiology such as B.Sc Epidemiology and M.Sc Epidemiology from any of the top Epidemiology Colleges across the country. To be eligible for the admissions, students must clear various entrance exams such as AIIMS Entrance Exams, IGNOU Entrance Exams for Clinical Hematology etc. The normal course fees for an MSc in Epidemiology from Indian Colleges / Universities range between INR 30,000 and INR 2,50,000.

In the wake of finishing a four-year college education in epidemiology, understudies can seek after an expert's in epidemiology and afterwards PhD in epidemiology. Epidemiologists' compensation differs from one spot to another, level of schooling, and experience. Those with Masters in Public Health (MPH) can acquire from INR 20,000 to INR 45,000 every month.

How to Become an Epidemiologist: Quick Facts

Industry Health Departments, Government and Private Hospitals, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industries, Government Health Departments, National, and Global Disease Control Centres, National and Global Medical Research Centres, NGOs
Eligibility Master’s Degree from an accredited institution in the area of public health
Average Starting Salary INR 20,000 to INR 45,000
Job Opportunity Community Health Workers, Statisticians and Surveyors, Speciality Epidemiologists, Supervisory Epidemiologists, Data Analysts

Steps on How to Become an Epidemiologist 

For becoming an epidemiologist, aspirants must have to follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Decision Making: It is significant for those competitors who are considering turning into an epidemiologist to consider whether they are exceptionally energetic by a longing to do useful things for society. This epidemiologist calling is ideal for individuals who are "committed to the wellbeing, security, and government assistance of others" and who appreciate chipping away at "multidisciplinary groups" with people in different fields.
  • Subject Choices: Life systems and Physiology, Computer Applications, Food and Nutrition, and Introduction to Health Care are the specific subject blends offered by schools that would assist them with pursuing their profession in epidemiology.
  • Entrance Exam Preparation: Aspirants who needed to be an epidemiologist, they should need to take the GATE or many other selection tests. You should plan well. You can likewise look at entrance test examples and Syllabus, practice papers. For preparation, one can follow various techniques such as Following a Schedule, Don't leave out topics, Learn from textbooks, Revise Daily, Give Mock Tests
  • Selecting Correct Colleges: Applicants ought to be clear about the course that they might want to seek after and pick the schools offering something similar. Applicants should go through the accessible projects on the authority site of the college to be doubly certain. He ought to likewise check the language of study and ought to be a specialist in the field.
  • After Qualifying Exam: In the wake of meeting all requirements for the selection test, applicants can pick the ideal school for them to examine epidemiology with the assistance of advising. Taking admission to the best epidemiology school is only the start of the excursion. It is a long excursion that must be finished with a great deal of devotion and tolerance.

Type of Epidemiologists

Going from assessors and analysts to strength epidemiologists, graduates will get a new line of work job most appropriate for them in the current business. A portion of the more well-known occupation jobs relevant to an epidemiologist in India are as per the following:

  • Community Health Workers: Local area Health Workers are an essential segment of the field of epidemiology as they are answerable for interfacing with the local area, gathering, examining, and investigating different sicknesses and illnesses basic to a local area, give wellbeing and security exercises and procedures to people in general and execute certain means to advance better and better ways of life.
  • Statisticians and Surveyors: As the name proposes, under such occupation jobs, the principal obligation of an epidemiologist is to make studies and surveys to gather suitable information. Information gathered through interviews and surveys assist epidemiologists with advancing and profoundly comprehend certain issues and main drivers of various clinical sicknesses locally.
  • Specialty Epidemiologist: While epidemiologists don't work exclusively with discrete patients, illnesses and ailments can be normal across various networks. Additional examination, exploration, and discovery of credible subtleties of specific illnesses can help in battling and restoring individuals of specific infections, which can likewise be lethal. Kinds of strength epidemiologists incorporate Infection Control Epidemiologist, Disaster Epidemiologist, Pharmaceutical Epidemiologist, Molecular Epidemiologist, and substantially more.
  • Supervisory Epidemiologist: Like some other fields, epidemiology requires faculty liable for guaranteeing proficient and compelling use of resources and stock, to create measured and quality information proper to make the existence of individuals better. Administrative Epidemiologist is the post where such experts take care of and administer the working of a group of epidemiologists.
  • Academics: An underestimated region in the field of epidemiology is seeking after academics or examination in the field. While you can seek after a vocation as an instructor or educator appropriating your insight into the field, a more unfamiliar way has been the field of exploration.

How to become an Epidemiologist in India

Turning into an epidemiologist in India has an exceptionally advantageous interaction however it takes a great deal of legitimacy and devotion. Understudies who wish to realize how to become epidemiologists in India should begin arrangement from secondary school.

  • School Level Preparation: Each understudy who wishes to turn into an epidemiologist should have a science subject mix like physical science, science, science and mathematics at a higher auxiliary level. Understudies are needed to begin getting ready after class 10 and pick their subjects appropriately. Since Biology is discretionary in class 12, understudies should pick science in class 12 to seek after their fantasy. Understudies should plan for CUCET and GATE from an early timeframe. Numerous organizations offer arrangement and direction for understudies who need to sit for CUCET and GATE.

How to Become an Epidemiologist After 12th

  • UG Preparation: After fruition of class 10+2, understudies more likely than not finished their graduation degree that is a B.Sc in Epidemiology or a B.Sc or Bachelor of Public Health degree from a perceived college or school. They need to finish their graduation degree with a base half total.
  • PG Preparation: After the fruition of graduation, competitors can seek an M.Sc or Master in Public Health Epidemiology or even a PhD in Epidemiology from one of the numerous colleges or schools in India.

Epidemiology Courses 

Epidemiologists are people who are liable for distinguishing, researching, and depicting the determinants and conveyance of ailment and illness. Seeking after a vocation as an epidemiologist can be conceivable in various fields inside the medical care area.

Certificate Courses 

  • There is various short term online and offline certificate courses of various duration ranging from 5 weeks to 12 months. 
  • Various online platforms and offline institutes offer the courses. Some of the prominent online platforms include, udemy, edx, coursera etc. and some of the offline institutes include IGMPI- Faculty of Healthcare Administration, Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH), Goutham College etc.

Admission Process:

  • Students aspiring to do offline certificate courses must have completed their 10+2 in the Science stream with a minimum of 55-60% marks as an aggregate.
  • While in some certificate courses, a student must have to be a graduate in a relevant field with a minimum of 55% marks. 
  • Online certificate courses can be pursued by anyone, there is no such bar on age, gender or stream.
  • Admission into these certificate courses does not require any entrance examination.

Diploma Courses

  • There are many Diploma and PG Diploma courses for Epidemiology. 
  • The courses range from 1 to 2 years. Some of the most popular diploma courses are:
Course Name College offering Duration
Diploma in Clinical Pathology (D.C.P.) Madras Medical College, BJ Medical College, Guntur Medical College 1 Year
Diploma in Health Statistics All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Poornima University 1 Year
Post Graduate Diploma in Public Health Management All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Guntur Medical College, Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH DELHI), Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH), National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) 1 Year

Admission Process:

There is no entrance conducted for the Diploma courses, but some colleges may conduct entrance exams for the PG Diploma courses. 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Students seeking admission into the diploma courses must have completed their 10+2 with a minimum of 55% marks as an aggregate.
  • Students aspiring to take admission into the PG Diploma courses must have to be a graduate with a minimum of 55% marks as an aggregate.

UG Courses 

There are many UG courses ranging from 3-4 years in the field of Public Health, Diagnose Control and Disease Research and Analysis.

Some of the most popular courses are:

Courses Name Colleges Offering Duration
BPMT in Community Medicine/Health Inspector/ Emergency Medical Services Armed Forces Medical College 3 Years
Bachelor Of Science (BSc) In Public Health SRM Institute of Science and Technology, KLE University, Poornima University 3 Years
B.Sc. in Clinical Research & Healthcare Management Ansal University, SAM Global University 3 Years
B.Sc. (Dietetics & Applied Nutrition) Amity University, YBN University 3 Years

Admission Process:

  • Admission to most of these colleges is based on the candidates’ scores in their 10+2. 
  • While some colleges prefer to conduct their entrance examinations.

Entrance Exam:

  • SRM Institute of Science & Technology conducts an entrance examination (SRMJEEE) for admission into the B.Sc in Public Health course of the institute. 
  • The entrance examination is conducted across two phases. The last date to fill the registration form for Phase 1 is May  2023, and for phase II is July, 2023.

Eligibility Criteria for SRMJEEE:

Candidates seeking to appear for the SRMJEEE exam must have completed their 10+2 in the science stream with a minimum of 55% marks as an aggregate. 

PG Courses

There are many PG courses in the field of epidemiology that a candidate can pursue after his bachelor’s 

Some of the most popular PG courses include:

Courses Name Colleges Offering Duration
M Sc. Epidemiology Christian Medical College, KLE University, Homi Bhabha National Institute, Central University of Tamilnadu, Swami Rama Himalayan University, SRM University, National Institute of Epidemiology 2 Years
M. V. Sc. Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu Chhattisgarh Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya 2 Years
MPH Social Epidemiology Tata Institute of Social Sciences All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health National Centre for Diseases Control Bihar Animal Sciences University 2 Years

Admission Process 

Admission to the PG courses is primarily based on the candidates’ performance in the entrance examination. Most of the colleges prefer the GATE score to give admission. 

Entrance Exam 

  • Most of the colleges usually prefer the GATE examination score, to offer admission into their college.
  • GATE examination is conducted every year by the IITs. The GATE 2023 is being conducted by IIT Delhi from February 4, 2023, to February 12, 2023. 

Eligibility Criteria for GATE :

Candidates aspiring to take the GATE examination must have to satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

  • Completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Master’s Degree in a relevant Science Subject.
  • Appearing for the final year of the degree course are also eligible.
  • The duration of the course should be at least 3 years.

How to become an Epidemiologist Abroad 

For turning into an epidemiologist abroad, an alumni confirmation or experts degree in epidemiology, biostatistics or general well being that include generous coursework, remembering units for epidemiology, and the culmination of a minor examination project with paper are required. The trouble level of this course is practically equivalent to India.


Admission Process 

  • Educational Requirements: Candidates aspiring to study epidemiology in the UK must have at least a second class honours degree or equivalent in a relevant subject, such as medicine, veterinary science, dentistry, pharmacy, biological sciences, statistics, mathematics or psychology.

Top Colleges and Courses in the field of Epidemiology in the UK 

Colleges Name Course Name Duration
Utrecht University M.Sc in Epidemiology 2 Years
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine M.Sc in Epidemiology 1 Year
Imperial College London M.Sc in Epidemiology 1 Year
University of Birmingham MRES in Public Health 1 Year
Maynooth University M.Sc in Immunology & Global Health 1 Year
Newcastle University MRES in Epidemiology 1 Year
University of Liverpool M.Phil in Epidemiology 1-3 Years


Admission Process 

  • Educational Requirements: Candidates seeking admission into the courses in the field of Epidemiology in the US must have completed their Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 3.0 GPA or 80% marks. Moreover, the candidates must have to clear the GRE examination. 
  • Other Requirements: Candidate must have appeared for an English Proficiency test, such as IELTS, TOEFL etc.

Top Colleges and Courses in the field of Epidemiology in the US 

Colleges Name Courses Name
Harvard University Master’s in Public Health
Yale University  Master’s in Chronic Disease Epidemiology; Microbial Diseases; Health Policy 
University of Chicago MS in Public Health Sciences for Clinical Professionals
Johns Hopkins University Master’s in Public Health
The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) MPH in Biostatistics; Community Health Sciences; Epidemiology.


Admission Process 

  • Educational Requirements: Candidates seeking admission into the field of Epidemiology in Canada, must have completed their graduation with a minimum of 3.0 GPA or equivalent. 
  • Other Requirements: Candidate must have appeared for an English Proficiency test, such as IELTS, TOEFL etc.

Top Colleges and Courses in the field of Epidemiology in Canada 

Colleges Name Courses Name
University of Victoria Master’s in Public Health
University of Alberta Master’s in Public Health
University of Toronto Master’s in Public Health
Simon Fraser University Master’s in Public Health
Brock University Master’s in Public Health
McGill University  Master’s in Public Health


Admission Process 

  • Educational Requirements: To be eligible candidates need to have an honours degree in a relevant field with more than 3 GPA as an aggregate.
  • Other Requirements: Candidate must have appeared for an English Proficiency test, such as IELTS, TOEFL etc.

Top Colleges and Courses in the field of Epidemiology in Australia 

Colleges Name Courses Name
University of New South Wales Master of Public Health
University of Melbourne Master of Public Health
Queensland University of Technology Master of Public Health
Curtin University Master of Public Health

Benefits of Career as an Epidemiologist 

Seeking after a vocation as an Epidemiologist is not normal for some other calling in the medical care industry as Epidemiology manages the local area overall, rather than one individual patient. The epidemiology profession is more insightful, in contrast to other clinical fields.

  • Salary: According to the patterns that have been seen in the country, epidemiologists can procure variable pay rates. These compensations rely upon various factors, for example, work profile, organization/association/foundation of business and substantially more.
  • Job Security: Calling an epidemiologist is presumably secure, up to an epidemiologist is working appropriately, he can rehearse anyplace on the planet. Here, the epidemiologists don't need to stress over remaining significant, they will simply need to continue doing what they do. Henceforth the employer stability of an epidemiologist is presumably higher than all else.
  • Positive Impact: The actual work is positive, fulfilling and fulfilling to many individuals. Epidemiologists welcome a positive effect on the existence of numerous individuals in the public eye by doing their examination about different new infections. In any case, it is likewise conceivable that you may not generally be valued yet that should not influence your work.
  • Unique Experience: The work for each case you would get would be dynamic. The Investigative idea of the work profile gives a moving viewpoint to the work. Occupation fulfilment of an epidemiologist is high as the work assigned for each case is generally result-arranged.

Skills required to become an Epidemiologist 

To be an epidemiologist, a specific arrangement of ranges of abilities, which include: 

Basic and Analytical reasoning Numerical and Statistical capability for an insightful examination Capacity to work in a group yet additionally Independently
Capacity to work under massive tension Persistence and Determination to look and track down a convincing outcome. -

Salary of an Epidemiologist in India

Average Annual Salary 

Name of the organisation Average Annual Salary 
Government Sector INR 4,50,000 - INR 8,00,000
Private Sector INR 5,00,000 - INR 10,00,000

Specialization wise 

Job Profile Starting Salary
Community Health Workers INR 1,60,000 - INR 2,65,000
Statisticians and Surveyors INR 1,55,000 - INR 2,35,000
Speciality Epidemiologists INR 3,00,000 - INR 4,00,000
Supervisory Epidemiologists INR 4,50,000 - INR 5,20,000
Data Analysts INR 1,00,000 - INR 2,70,000

Experience Wise 

Experience in years Monthly Salary
1-4 INR 38,500
5-9 INR 54,500
10-19 INR 70,100
20+ INR 74,100

How to Become an Epidemiologist: FAQs

Ques. Is Epidemiology a good career?

Ans. The Epidemiologist's work profile offers you a chance to work intimately with individuals. Epidemiologists are utilized in the drug and clinical assembling industry and take a decent measure of pay. Epidemiologists add to general wellbeing by exploring causes and avoidance of sicknesses.

Ques. Can epidemiologists work in hospitals?

Ans. Epidemiologists commonly work in workplaces and research centres at wellbeing offices for state and nearby governments, in emergency clinics, and at schools and colleges. Epidemiologists are likewise utilized in the central government by organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Ques. Are epidemiologists considered medical doctors?

Ans. No. While epidemiologists examine and research the causes and wellsprings of sicknesses similarly as clinical specialists, they're not viewed as real doctors. Maybe the most compelling motivation for what reason is treatment.

Ques. What qualifications do you need to be an epidemiologist?

Ans. You'll generally require a postgraduate certificate, either a Masters or a PhD, in epidemiology or a connected subject, like general wellbeing, factual science or natural science, to fill in as an epidemiologist.

Ques. What kind of jobs are there for an Epidemiology graduate?

Ans. The work profiles that an Epidemiology graduate will discover her/himself applying for incorporate Community Health Worker, Statistician and Surveyor, Supervisory Epidemiologist, Academic, Data Analysts, and so on.

Ques. What does an Epidemiologist do?

Ans. The work of an epidemiologist is analytical in nature. Experts in the field would wind up directing reviews, understanding the day to day environments of individuals locally, wellsprings of illnesses and ailments, impacts of infections over an enormous scope and considerably more.

Ques. Where does an Epidemiologist work?

Ans. An Epidemiologist can work at Government and Private Hospitals, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industries, Government Health Departments, National and Global Disease Control Centers, National and Global Medical Research Centers, NGOs, and so on.

Ques. Which course do I need to pursue to become an Epidemiologist?

Ans. To turn into an Epidemiologist, you can seek after courses like B.Sc in Epidemiology, B.Sc or Bachelor of Public Health or significant. As extra capability, you can likewise seek after M.Sc or Master in Public Health/Epidemiology or even a PhD in Epidemiology.

Ques. Are epidemiologists in demand?

Ans. Work of epidemiologists is projected to grow 5% from 2019 to 2029, quicker than the normal for all occupations. Epidemiologists are probably going to have great job possibilities by and large.

Ques. What are the two types of epidemiology?

Ans. Epidemiology studies fall into two classifications: test and observational.


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Master of Science [M.Sc] (Epidemiology) Colleges IN INDIA

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1.97 L Total fees
2.1 L first year fees
71 K first year fees
KLE University
Belgaum, Karnataka
71 K first year fees
1.38 L first year fees
35 K first year fees