Bachelor of Science (BSc) Fisheries Admission Process, Eligibility, Entrance Exam, Syllabus, Top Colleges, Scope and Salary 2023

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Ahana Bhaduri

Senior Content Specialist

BSc Fisheries or Bachelor of Science in fisheries is a 4 year undergraduate course. This course includes the study of fishes, ecosystem, diseases and their foods, etc. It is the academic course of managing and understanding the fisheries. It draws on the disciplines of aquaculture like breeding, genetics, farming, nutrition etc. Fishing processing involves curing, canning, freezing, value addition, by-products and waste utilization, quality assurance and certification, fisheries microbiology, fisheries biochemistry. Fisheries microbiology, fisheries resource management include biology, anatomy, taxonomy, physiology, population dynamics.

Fisheries environment involves oceanography, limnology, ecology, biodiversity, and aquatic pollution. Fishing technology comprises craft engineering, navigation and seamanship, marine engines. Fisheries economics and management and fisheries extension.

The eligibility for BSc Fisheries is to qualify 10+2 with minimum 50% marks in science stream from a recognized college.Students have to clear entrance exams taken by colleges and universities to get admission in the course.

See Also: Top BSc Fisheries in India

The average course fee for BSc Fisheries for the span of 4 year is INR 10,000 to INR 3 lakhs. It depends on the course offered by the colleges and universities. The job roles after the BSc fisheries are Fishery biologist, research analyst operations, retail store manager, national sales representatives, etc.

The average annual salary package for freshers with 1-4 year experience is INR 2 lakhs to INR 20 lakhs. It depends on the experience and size of the organization. Top recruiting organizations are Fishery survey of India, the central inland fisheries research institute, Marine product export development authority, etc.

Check Out: You can go for MBA after BSc Fisheries

BSc Fisheries Course Highlights

Course highlights of Bachelor of Science are:

Course type Undergraduate
Duration 4 years
Examination Type Semester wise
Eligibility 10+2 with minimum 50% marks with science stream
Admission process Entrance exam
Course Fee INR 10,000 - INR 3 lakhs
Average Salary (per month) INR 2 lakhs – INR 20 lakhs
Top Recruiting companies Survey of India, the central inland fisheries research institute, Marine product export development authority, etc.
Job Position Fishery biologist, research analyst operations, retail store manager, national sales representatives, 

What is BSc Fisheries?

Fisheries environment involves oceanography, limnology, ecology, biodiversity, and aquatic pollution. Fishing technology comprises craft engineering, navigation and seamanship, marine engines. Fisheries economics and management and fisheries extension.

The eligibility for BSc Fisheries is to qualify 10+2 with minimum 50% marks in science stream from a recognized college.Students have to clear entrance exams taken by colleges and universities to get admission in the course.

Why Study BSc Fisheries?

Benefits and skills of Bachelor of Science in fisheries as a particular course are sustainable, improve livelihoods, economic growth, protect environment and natural resources and fisheries improve food and nutrition security. The skills required in Fishery are as follows :

Skills Description
Leadership quality You can successfully monitor and assess all processes in your business. You can then create methods and guidelines to optimize the efficiency of your business. Without these leadership skills, employees don’t fully understand the processes to fulfill the businesses goals
Communications skills Communication skill is the key to take business up. Only communication can grow the trust of everyone. Good communication is necessary. It helps to plan, manage, implement, promoting the business
Team work Teamwork helps in solving every problem. By working together, the best solutions can be found by the employees.
Critical thinking It helps in enhancing language, thinking clearly, and comprehension abilities.
Problem solving ability One should have the problem solving skills. They need to deal with the uncertain risk and dynamic environment. It is essential when an entrepreneur makes decisions related to financial status, legal policies, and regarding workers.
Conflict solving skills It is important to have conflict solving skills because it helps in achieving goals, strong relationships.

BSc Fisheries Admission Process

To get admission in the course, Students must have to clear entrance exams taken by respective college and university. The procedure for the admission is:

  • The registration form will be released on the official websites of the respective colleges or universities.
  • Students have to submit the registration fee on the online portal before the last date.
  • The admit card will be released by the colleges and universities.
  • The exam date will be released by the colleges and universities.
  • The result will be announced after the exam.
  • Documentation Date will be given by the colleges for final selection of the students in the course. The documents required are class x and xii mark sheet, passport size photographs, cast/ category certificate (if any).

See Also: List of Science Courses

BSc Fisheries Eligibility

The eligibility criteria of Bachelor of Science in Fisheries are:

  • 10+2 with minimum 50% marks from a recognized college.
  • Science is a preferable stream.
  • No receptacle in any subject/ subjects is accepted.

Check Out: Bachelor of Fisheries Science

BSc Fisheries Entrance Exams

The entrance exams of Bachelor of Science in fisheries conducted by colleges and universities, the important dates related to the Entrance Exams that deal with fisheries are mentioned in the table below, The main dates that are mentioned are application form date, exam date and result date. The student must keep themselves regularly updated about any changes in the date may occur.

Name of the Exams Registration Dates Exam Dates
NPAT December 01, 2022 – May 21, 2023 January 04, 2023 – May 31, 2023
CUET April 2023 May 21 – 31, 2023
CUCET November 28 - May 29, 2023 November 28 - May 30, 2023
SET December 10 – April 12, 2023 May 06, 2023 (Test 1)
May 14, 2023 (Test 2)

How to Prepare Entrance exam?

Every candidate should follow these preparation tips to crack the entrance exam taken by colleges and universities. The preparation tips are:

  • Students must be aware of the subject in which they have interest. Interest area is the only key to success.
  • You should have confidence on the subject you have chosen in 10+2.
  • Score minimum 50% in bachelor's degree from a recognized college.
  • Students must be aware of the details of entrance exam, syllabus, duration, conducted by whom, exam level, exam mode. These are the basic knowledge of the entrance exam.
  • Find a top institute for your preparation for the entrance exam. Choose top institutes on some parameters like fee of the institute, faculty, geographical location, number of students, transportation facility.
  • Students must attend online tests conducted by the institute on weekends to check their preparation.
  • You should strengthen your general knowledge and improve vocabulary because they are difficult subjects for students.
  • Learn new short tricks for quantitative aptitude and reasoning.
  • Time management is the main key to complete your exam on time. you must be aware of sections and the number of questions.
  • Students should develop reading habits by newspaper, magazine, biography as a source.

How to get admission in a good college?

Every student must have to follow these guidelines to get admission in a good college. The guidelines are:

  • Students should score good marks to get admission in a good college.
  • Students should make a list of top colleges to know about them. Some parameters are about the college, eligibility, admission process, entrance exam name conducted by them, location, fee structure, top recruiting companies, courses offered by them.
  • Fill all the exam registration forms with payments before the last date to avoid any discrepancy.
  • Be prepared for the entrance exam conducted by the colleges and universities.
  • Take classes for the preparation of exams and interviews.
  • Take counseling before choosing the course and college.
  • Score good marks in 10+2.

BSc Fisheries Syllabus

Syllabus for Bachelor of Science in Fisheries. The duration of the course is 4 years. It is given semester wise. Each year consists of 2 semesters.

Principles of biochemistry Soil and water chemistry
Principles of aquaculture Limnology
Taxonomy of finfish Freshwater aquaculture
Taxonomy of shellfish Biology of finfish and shellfish
Fundamentals of microbiology Anatomy of finfish and shellfish
Fishery economics Biochemical techniques and instrumentation
Meteorology and geography Food chemistry and fish in nutrition
Information and communication technology -
Inland fisheries Coastal aquaculture and Mariculture
Oceanography Aquaculture engineering
Marine biology Physiology of finfish and shellfish
Fish nutrition and feed technology Ornaments fish production and management
Culture of fish food organisms Canning and fish packaging technology
Refrigeration and freezing technology Extension education in fisheries
Statistical methods in fisheries Fishing craft and gear technology
- Fisheries administration and legislation
Diseases and management Fishery genetics and breeding
Marine fisheries Fish population dynamics and stock assessment
Aquatic ecology and biodiversity Biotechnology and bioinformatics in fisheries
Finfish breeding and hatchery management Financing and marketing management in fisheries
Navigation and seamanship Fish products and by products technology
Shellfish breeding and hatchery management Aquatic pollution and coastal zone management
Disaster management in fisheries Fish microbiology and quality assurance
Hands on training in fisheries In plant training in fisheries

Every student must read these top books with their authors while pursuing Bachelor of Science in Fisheries . These books will help you to understand better about it.

Books Authors
Scallops, biology, ecology, aquaculture and fisheries G. Jay Parsons
Deep sea fishes: biology,Diversity, ecology, and fisheries Imants G. Priede
Vanishing Fish: shifting baseline and the future of global fisheries Daniel Pauly
A pocket guide to sharks of the world Dr. David A. ebert, Marc dando
Marine Policy Mark Zacharias
Eyes on the sea Keith Granger davis
Washington's sport of king: views of fisheries insider Frank Haw
Natural resource administration Donald W. Sparling
The Archaeology of north pacific fisheries Aubrey Cannon
An entirely synthetic fish Anders Halverson
Fisheries Biology, Assessment and Management Michael King
Mismanagement of marine fishes Alan Longhurst
Who owns America's fisheries Daniel Bromley
Tropical fish otoliths Gary carlos
Aquaculture Geoffrey Gilbert

BSc Fisheries Top Colleges

The top colleges that provide BSc Fisheries are mentioned below along with the location and fees:

Central Agricultural University Manipur INR 30,000
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Indore INR 79,000
BAMU Aurangabad INR 50,100
Government Holkar Science College Indore INR 26,000
Salipur College Cuttack INR 7,000
SMD Maharashtra INR 4,200
Shivaji University Maharashtra INR 10,000
Shri Shivaji University Maharashtra INR 24,000
Lovely Professional University Jalandhar INR 3,42,000
Annamalai University Tamil Nadu INR 1,20,000
CSU Imphal INR 30,000

Course comparison is essential before admission in a college. It should be compared on the parameters like course, duration of course, eligibility of course, admission process, colleges offering this course, average fee, average salary after the course, top recruiting companies, etc.

Parameters Bachelor of science (Fisheries ) Bachelor of science (Aquaculture )
Brief Explanation Bachelor of science (Fisheries ) or Bachelor’s of Science in fisheries is a 4 year undergraduate course. This course aims to focus on the fishery sector. It is the academic course of managing and understanding the fisheries. It draws on the disciplines of aquaculture like breeding, genetics, farming, nutrition etc. Bachelor of science (Aquaculture ) or B.Sc. Aquaculture is a 4 years undergraduate course. Aquaculture is connected science and no more pragmatic level and is something other than fish cultivating. An immense scope of fishes, plants and sea-going creatures are contemplated around there.
Duration 4 years 3 years
Eligibility 10+2 with minimum 50% marks in science stream 10+2 in science stream
Admission Process Entrance exam Merit based/ Entrance exam
Top Colleges Shivaji University, Chandigarh University, Lovely professional University, RIMT University, Centurion university of technology & management, etc. Punjab agricultural university , mahatma Gandhi university, Calicut university, Chandigarh University, etc.
Job Roles Fishery biologist, research analyst operations, retail store manager, national sales representatives, etc. Aquaculturist, Aquaculture manager, Aquaculture consultant, etc.
Average Fees INR 10,000 – INR 3 lakhs INR 5,000 – INR 5 lakhs
Average Salary INR 2 lakhs – INR 20 lakhs INR 2 lakhs – 6 lakhs
Top Recruiting Organization Survey of India, the central inland fisheries research institute, Marine product export development authority, etc. Fishery survey of India, the central inland fisheries research institute, National Institute Of Oceanography, Coastal aquaculture, product export development authority, etc

BSc Fisheries Job

Many career options are there in BSc in fisheries. Students can get jobs as Fishery officer, Aquaculture technician, Fishery biologist, Retail store manager, Fish farming consultant, etc. Here is the job description given below with average annual salary.

Job profiles Role Average annual salary
Fishery officer The role of Fishery officer is to aware and provide education to the public about natural habitats protection and fisheries resources. They work for government agencies. They protect fish habitats and resources by patrolling at sea. INR 4.17 lakhs
Aquaculture technician The role of aquaculture technician is to work with government agencies to help biologists with the duties of managing public lakes, rivers and recreational fishing areas. They assist biologists and academic researchers to manage fish on campus in universities. INR 2.3 lakhs
Fishery biologist The role of fishery biologist is to conserve natural habitats and study about fishes. Some of them work on boats, ships, and cruise to collect the fish samples and maintain documents. INR 6 lakhs
Retail store manager The role of retail store manager is to ensure that their staff gives best services to customers as well as having knowledge of financial performance. Their role is to solve the queries and complaints of customers. INR 3.11 lakhs
Fish farming consultant The role of fish farming consultant is responsible for breeding and rearing of fishes for wholesale and retail purpose. They maintain the records of fish stock and ensure that the water supply is sufficient for the different fishes.

BSc Fisheries Scope

There is a wide future scope in the field of bachelor of science in fisheries:

  • The best and higher option after BSc in fisheries is M.F.Sc. (Masters of Fisheries Science) or Master of Science for 2 years.
  • You can pursue Master in these specializations: aquatic biology & fisheries, industrial fisheries, limnology and fisheries, marine biology and fisheries and many more.
  • Candidates can also get jobs as technicians, biochemists, research assistants, or as a biologist, retail store manager, teacher or lecturer, aquaculture technician etc.
  • After getting the graduation degree, you can also become a self independent entrepreneur.
  • Some top recruiters are banks, fisheries development boards, fish breeding farms, food industry, etc.
INR 5.40 lakhs

BSc Fisheries FAQs

Ques. Which one is a better agriculture or fishery?

Ans. There can’t be a comparison between which is better agriculture or fishery because they are totally different from each other. If you are confuse between two, open the given links: fisheries and agriculture.

Ques. What are the top recruiting areas in fisheries?

Ans. The top recruiting areas in fisheries are: agriculture sector, colleges, universities, food industry, fish farming consultancy, aquaculture sector, etc.

Ques. What is a fisheries degree?

Ans. Fisheries degree is a course which deals in the management and understanding of fishes and their ecosystem, food habitats, etc.

Ques. Where does fisheries biologist work?

Ans. They work on boats near the streams, lakes, fish hacteries.

Ques. Is it necessary to clear entrance exam to get admission in Fisheries course?

Ans: Yes it is necessary for the candidate to appear exams like CAT, MAT, XAT, SNAP to get admission in Fisheries course.

Ques. Is it compulsory to have mathematics & physics in 10+2 for Fisheries course?

Ans: Yes, it is compulsory for the candidate to have mathematics & physics in 10+2 to get admission in Fisheries course.

Ques. Is there any difference between Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Bachelor of Fisheries science?

Ans. Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Bachelor of Fisheries science are not different. There is no as such difference. They both are to study habits and breeding of various species of fish. It also involves farming and husbandry of important fishes and aquatic organisms in freshwater, brackish water and any marine environment.

Ques. Is any percentage of moderation given to reserved candidates (SC / ST)?

Ans. Yes, 5% moderation is given to reserved category (SC / ST) for the admission in Fisheries course.

Ques. What is the average cutoff of entrance exam?

Ans. Average cutoff entrance exams are 110 marks that every candidate should be scored to get admission in college.

Ques. Is there any age limit to enroll?

Ans. No, there is no age limit to enroll in a course of undergraduate.

Ques. Is Chemistry a good option for studying?

Ans. Yes, it is a good option because it offers you wide opportunities in both private as well as government sector.


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Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] (Fisheries) Colleges IN INDIA

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70 K first year fees
Surajmal University - [SMU]
Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand
60 K first year fees
RIMT  University
Gobindgarh, Punjab
1.15 L first year fees
70 K first year fees
67.5 K first year fees