MBA at MIT Sloan School of Management vs MBA at UC Booth School of Business

MBA at MIT Sloan School of Management vs MBA at UC Booth School of Business

MIT Sloan School of Management and UC Booth School of Business rank amongst the top business schools of the USA. MIT Sloan has a much stronger university brand whereas UC Booth has more prestigious alumni network. 

Overview Comparison
MIT Sloan School of ManagementUniversity of Chicago Booth School of Business
ProgramsUG Programs -3
PG Programs -5
Doctorate Programs -8
PG Programs -15
Doctorate Programs -9
Cost to StudyAverage Tuition Fees   57590
[For UG Program]
Average Tuition Fees  192000
[For PG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 14720 Per Year
Average Tuition Fees  72000
[For PG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 15726 Per Year

Top Courses Comparison

Top Courses Comparison

ranking# 5 for Business by Times Higher Education 2023
# 101 for Business by Academy Ranking of World Universities 2021
# 13 for Business by Times Higher Education 2023
# 51 for Business by Academy Ranking of World Universities 2021
application#4208 Applicants
# 484 Admissions
# 11 % Acceptance Rate
#4909 Applicants
# 621 Admissions
# 12 % Acceptance Rate
exam scoresGMAT - 720/800GRE updated - 311/340IELTS - 7/9TOEFL - 90/120GMAT - 600/800IELTS - 7.0/9PTE - 54/90TOEFL - 100/120
Admission Criteria/Better to Have

GPA of 3.62 and preferably a 730 GMAT Score. Average Work Experience required around 5 years.

GPA of 3.6 average and preferably 724 GMAT Score. Average Work Experience required around 5 years.

cost to studyTotal Cost (Tuition + Living) -80400Total Cost (Tuition + Living) -74919
Return on Investment/Average Package#Average Salary135000#Average Salary145000
application datesApr 3, 2023 (Application Decision Deadline Round 2)
Apr 11, 2023 (Application Deadline For 2024 Intake Round 3)
May 18, 2023 (Application Decision Deadline Round 3)
Jan 5, 2024 (Round 2 Document Submission Deadline)
Apr 11, 2024 (Round 3 Document Submission Deadline)
Comparison Notes

It is difficult to compare MIT Sloan School of Management with UC Booth School of Business as both of them have equal standing in terms of international recognition, and career opportunities. Yet to help study abroad aspirants, we have compiled a list of comparison points to help them decide which one is better choice:

  • Although both MIT Sloan and UC Booth are considered amongst the top 20 business schools of the world, the MBA ranking of Sloan School of Management has always been ahead of UC Booth School of Business. 
  • Cost of studying MBA at MIT Sloan is almost double of what is charged by UC Booth.
  • GMAT score, GPA and work experience required for admission to MBA at both of these business schools of USA are more or less the same. Their acceptance rate is also approximately equal
  • Approximately 95% of the graduates of both these universities got job offer within 3 months of graduation. However, UC Booth School of business’s MBA graduates get slightly higher salaries than MIT Sloan graduates.
  • In terms of international community too, both of them are at equal standing. MIT Sloan has international student population of 33% in its MBA class and UC Booth has 30% of international students in MBA.
  • MBA class size of MIT Sloan is comparatively small with approx. 400 students where approx 600 students get enrolled in MBA class of UC Booth every year.

As compared to University of Chicago, MIT is a more stronger university brand. However, when it comes to MBA programs, UC Booth School of Business comes accross as a better choice than MIT Sloan School of Management.