Master of Science [M.Sc] (Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry) From Agricultural College and Research Institute Madurai, Madurai

Madurai, Tamil NaduEstd 1965 TNAU, Coimbatore
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Master of Science [M.Sc] (Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry) 
first year fees:  ₹56,792
2 YearsFull Time
Years (2019 - 2020)year 1year 2
Tuition fees₹2496₹2496₹2496₹2496₹2496₹2496
other fee₹24800₹12252₹12252₹12252₹12252₹12252
Semester Wise Fees₹27296₹14748₹14748₹14748₹14748₹14748
Yearly Fees56,79244,244

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants seeking admission to M.Sc. program should meet the following requirement as per guidelines of the institute.

  • Graduates who have successfully completed four year undergraduate degree program (specified below) and awarded by any one of the State Agricultural Universities (SAUs)/ Colleges affiliated to SAUs/Central Agricultural Universities (CAUs)/ICAR Deemed Universities/Central Universities with Agriculture Faculty listed by ICAR/ any other institutes accredited by NAEAB (ICAR) alone are eligible to apply for Masters program.
  • A candidate who has undergone course credit system with a minimum OGPA of 3.00 out of 4.00 or 6.60 out of 10.00 in Bachelor’s Degree Programme can apply for Masters Programme. However, for SC/ST candidates, minimum OGPA of 6.50 out of 10.00 in bachelor’s degree is sufficient.
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Master of Science [M.Sc] (Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry) Comparison

Agricultural College and Research Institute Madurai
Reviews Rating
Cost To Study
Total Fees
101036 (2 Years )
General Course Details
Duration - 2 Years
Course Offered - Full Time
Mode - Full Time
Degree Type - On Campus
Course Level - Post Graduation
Course Credential - Degree

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