- I am student of BMS, so my course has much more Difficulty than courses like bcom. Students around 4 to 5 failed in 1st sem and 2nd sem
- if I talk about good aspects, we not only have theory aspects, but also very much practical aspects
Bad aspects- we have subjects like python which is bit confusing to have in management as a core
-we have two exams every year, one at end of each sem in which we have 7 subjects each sem
- almost 3 to 4 lectures are held every day and timings are from 830 to 130
-most of the teachers use the traditional method of teaching which is through books
-i admire my economics faculty coz it has complete knowledge about subjects like microeconomics and macroeconomics
- minimum attendance is 67 percent, if we don't fulfill it, we have to fill a bond.
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