Berhampur University, HariHar Mardaraj Distance Education Centre (HM-DEC) Admission 2024: Application process, Important Dates

Berhampur, OdishaDistance EducationEstd 1987 Berhampur University , Berhampur
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Established in 1967, Berhampur University is located in Berhampur, Odisha. The university also established its distance learning centre under the name of HariHar Mardaraj Distance Education Centre (HM-DEC) in the year 1987. It makes the education facility available for the working people by offering various courses in the distance education mode.

Berhampur University offers various undergraduate, post graduate and PG Diploma courses in multiple disciplines such as Economics, History, Education, Mathematics, Political Science etc. The university offers 28 full-time courses in the field of UG, PG and PG Diploma programmes.

For admission to the undergraduate programmes offered under distance learning mode, students should have passed 10+2 examinations. While for getting admission to the postgraduate courses, students should have completed their undergraduate degree in the relative discipline.

  • Students must bring their original documents are the time of admission
  • Admissions are provisional which can be cancelled any time in case of forgery, misconduct etc.
  • Students can also opt. for spot admission or postal admission other than MBA courses. 
  • Admission to the MBA course is strictly done through the Entrance Test.
  •  Students can download the application forms through online mode only from the university website.
  • Only those students who have successfully filled and submitted the application form can get admission in the university courses

Highlights Table 2023

Name of the University

Berhampur University

University Type


Basic Admission Criteria

Entrance Based/ Merit Based

Application Mode


Name of the Entrance


Entrance Mode


HM-DEC PG, PG Diploma Admission 2023

Apart from the MBA course, the admission in all the courses is purely based on the merit basis. For admission to the MBA course, candidates are shortlisted on the basis of student’s marks secured in the entrance test. The entrance test is conducted only through the online mode.

Students can download the application form through the online mode only from the university official website. Besides MBA, the admission to HM-DEC is done through either of the two ways i.e. spot admission and postal admission.

The following table shows the eligibility criteria of all the courses:

Course Name



Minimum Eligibility

Selection Criteria



Subject Marks




Graduate Degree

At least 200 marks in Gen/ Hons/ Major Elective subjects

Merit list



Political Science




Public Administration



MCA (Lateral Entry)


BCA or B.Sc Computer Science, passed Mathematics/ Statistics at +2



Any Science Graduate studied subjects as General/ Hons at degree level


Merit list






Merit list


Any Graduate





Any Graduate (qualifying subjects at entrance test)

Entrance Test


Any Graduate with Mathematics/ Statistics subjects at +2


Merit list


Any Graduate



Any Graduate



Any Graduate



M.Sc in Marine Science

a) Oceanography

Any Science Graduate with Maths/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Environment Science/ Water Management

b) Marine Biology

Any Science Graduate with Chemistry/ Botany/ Zoology/ Biological Techniques / Specimen Preservation

For getting admission in the MBA course, students need to pay INR 800 in the form of entrance test as well as application fees. Students need to submit the fees on or before September of the year of admission. The fees can be deposited through Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Net Banking facility of SBI.

HM-DEC Application Process 2023

Students can apply for admission to the university courses (except MBA) through either of the two ways i.e. spot admission or postal admission. Both the prospectus and application forms can be downloaded through the online mode only i.e. from the official university website.

Steps to apply for spot admission:

For spot admission, students need to visit the Harihar Mardaraj Distance Education Centre (HM-DEC) in person on the specified date

  • Candidates should submit the duly filled-in application form to the university office upon completion
  • Students also need to submit the necessary documents at the time of admission for verification
  • Students need to submit the application form along with the requisite fees
  • Should submit the application fees through various payment modes of SBI like Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Net Banking.

Steps to apply for Postal admission:

Along with the other courses, candidates who wish to get admission in the MBA course must follow the below given steps:

  • Students need to download the application form available at the university website i.e. “”
  • Students applying for the MBA course need to pay INR 800/- as entrance fees and application fees at the time of admission.
  • Candidates should send the downloaded application form along with the fees and original document copies by Registered Post/ Speed Post at the following address for verification

The Director,

Harihar Mardaraj Distance Education Centre

Berhampur University

Berhampur - 760007

Ganja, Odisha

Following is the list of mandatory documents that students need to submit at the time of admission:

  1. HSC or Equivalent Certificate and Mark Sheet
  2. +2 Certificates and Mark Sheet
  3. Bachelor’s Degree certificate and Mark Sheet
  4. Transfer Certificate/ College Leaving Certificate
  5. Conduct Certificate from the Head of Institution
  6. 6 attested passport size photographs
  7. Two self-addressed unstamped envelopes of size 28 cm x 48 cm (to return the student’s original documents who opt for postal admission)
  8. 4 small sized self-addressed envelopes 15 cm x 6 cm
  9. Original Migration Certificate
  10. Registration Receipt
  11. Dully filled address slips
  12. Duly filled and signed identity card by the candidate
  13. Students need to submit the one set of attested copy of all the documents along with the originals
  14. MBA students need to submit the attested copies of mark sheets and certificates. But at the time of admission, they need to submit original certificates and mark sheets.

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MBA, Admission Link

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