Saveetha School of Engineering Chennai B.Tech ranking by India Today is 109 out of 254 colleges in India in 2020.
Stream / Category | 2020 Ranking |
B.Tech Compare | #109 out of 254 in India 2020 #6th in Chennai |
Saveetha School of Engineering Chennai B.Tech ranking by The Week is 95 out of 191 colleges in India in 2020 and it was 96 out of 130 colleges in India in 2019.
Stream / Category | 2020 Ranking | 2019 Ranking |
B.Tech Compare | #95 out of 191 in India 2020 #8th in Chennai | #96 out of 130 in India 2019 #9th in Chennai |
Saveetha School of Engineering Chennai B.Tech ranking by NIRF is 186 out of 200 colleges in India in 2019.
Stream / Category | 2019 Ranking |
B.Tech Compare | #186 out of 200 in India 2019 #12th in Chennai |
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