Mysore School of Architecture, Mysore - Photos & Videos

Mysore, KarnatakaEstd 2014 VTU, Belgaum
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Wadiyar Centre For Architecture - [WCFA]
GSSS School of Architecture For Women
GSSS School of Architecture For Women
₹158730First year Fees
BMS School of Architecture - [BMSSA]
BMS School of Architecture - [BMSSA]
₹1625000Total Fees
RV College of Architecture - [RVCA]
RV College of Architecture - [RVCA]
₹1407385Total Fees
Acharya's  NRV  School of Architecture - [ANRVSA]


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Course Duration:  5 Years
₹206111  First Year Fees
Prof. Ranbir Mudaliar
Professor and Design Chair
Ar. Vivina Kuttaiah
Associate Professor
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