The course followed by the college is with regards with the university . The course and exams are of moderate difficulty . although the students fail but with a bit of preparation it is not that difficult to pass the exams . The good aspect of the course is that you get to studey different subjects but the bad aspect is that you are forced to take a language subject for two years in your optional . Each year there are two semester end exams but almost for 2 to 3 months every semester there are internals assignment and continuous assessment which takes place whose date is not fixed . So fo almost 7 subjects you have to give around 5 to 6 tests +assignments apart from the semester end exams .
Ever day around 1 to 5 classes takes place . The timetable is very messed up as you might have a class at 8 30 in the morning then another at 2 in the evening . Other day you will have classes straight from morning to evening . So it leaves very less free time as there are 7 subjects so it is very difficult to maintain a daily schedule . The faculty is decent not so great not so bad . Few are great who actually care for students and do not burden them with useless assignments and there are also those who do not care and will make a student cry with so many assignments and difficult tests . Also the strict attendance policy is the only reason why many students go to college . Although ours is not as strict as other who detain and refrain students from partaking in exams . If you have less than 67% attendance you will have to sign an undertaking that's it .
The course followed by the college is with regards with the university . The course and exams are of moderate difficulty . although the students fail but with a bit of preparation it is not that difficult to pass the exams . The good aspect of the course is that you get to studey different subjects but the bad aspect is that you are forced to take a language subject for two years in your optional . Each year there are two semester end exams but almost for 2 to 3 months every semester there are internals assignment and continuous assessment which takes place whose date is not fixed . So fo almost 7 subjects you have to give around 5 to 6 tests +assignments apart from the semester end exams .
Ever day around 1 to 5 classes takes place . The timetable is very messed up as you might have a class at 8 30 in the morning then another at 2 in the evening . Other day you will have classes straight from morning to evening . So it leaves very less free time as there are 7 subjects so it is very difficult to maintain a daily schedule . The faculty is decent not so great not so bad . Few are great who actually care for students and do not burden them with useless assignments and there are also those who do not care and will make a student cry with so many assignments and difficult tests . Also the strict attendance policy is the only reason why many students go to college . Although ours is not as strict as other who detain and refrain students from partaking in exams . If you have less than 67% attendance you will have to sign an undertaking that's it .