Savitribai Phule Mahila Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya - [SPMSM], Kolhapur

Kolhapur, MaharashtraEstd 2005
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About Savitribai Phule Mahila Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya Kolhapur

Savitribai Phule Mahila Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya has established itself as one of the most prominent all ladies' college in the state. It is a proud member of Shri Shahu Shishakan Prasarak Seva Mandal, Peth-Vadgaon that created history by establishing five educational institutes in the rural region. Widening the scope of education beyond gender differences has been the main motto of the institution. India, which is often considered a male dominant country, has seen waves of change with the ideals of women empowerment that has created an upsurge in its social, as well as economical values. The College is dedicated to providing skill based knowledge in various fields that energize the students to take up jobs in the later part of the career and be economically independent. It also aims at removing the social suppression of woman by making them aware of their worth in the society and bringing them to the national mainstream. Taking education beyond classroom interaction has been a long strived goal of the college. Practical approach to theoretical ideas is given utmost importance here and the nation salutes the efforts by the founders in making an institute that nourishes the need for quality education in the woman race.

Facts and Figures of Savitribai Phule Mahila Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya, Kolhapur, Maharashtra

Establishment Year of the Trust


University Type


Name of the Trust

 Shri Shahu Shishakan Prasarak Seva Mandal, Peth-Vadgaon


All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)

Sports and cultural events


How to Reach

5 km from Kolhapur Railway Station. Air transport available from adjoining the city of Mumbai.

Why to join Savitribai Phule Mahila Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya, Kolhapur, Maharashtra?

  • Only for girl students: The College is exclusively meant for girls and ensures that they can be part of the learning process without worrying about anything else around them.
  • Location: The Institute is located in pollution free and peaceful corner of Maharashtra away from the hassle of the metros that provides a brilliant backdrop for holistic learning.

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Courses Offered By Savitribai Phule Mahila Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya Kolhapur 2025

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Full Time
1 Courses1 Year Full Time



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Savitribai Phule Mahila Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya Kolhapur Facilities

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Savitribai Phule Mahila Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya Kolhapur Faculty

Basic Information about the Faculty of Savitribai Phule Mahila Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya Kolhapur

Dr. Chavan Dayavati Bhagwan
Deshpande Sulbha Pandurang
Gangatrkar Hema Balasaheb
Patil Madhukar Dattajirao
Pawar Dayabai Shamrao
Patil Ashmita Tanaji

Savitribai Phule Mahila Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya Kolhapur College Details

Basic Information About the Colleges

R.S. No. 86 A at [ Latawade Road ], A/P :- Peth Vadgaon. Tal. Hatkanangale. Dist. :- Kolhapur
Kolhapur - 416112
Maharashtra, India
Get SMS Contact:  0230- 2471599
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