The Monika Virmani Teacher’s Training College is a reputed educational institute. It provides its students with quality education, which paves their way to career growth. It also imbibes in the students social, moral and intellectual values through various academic activities and co curricular events. The college is located in a clean, pollution free environment. It provides a positive atmosphere for learning. The faculty is also well experienced and scholastic.
Facts and Figures of Monika Virmani Teacher’s Training College, Alwar, Rajasthan
Established Year |
2008 |
Approval |
NCTE, New Delhi |
Institute affiliated to |
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur |
Total Faculty Members |
9+ |
Total Books |
3300+ |
Sports and cultural events |
2+ |
How to reach |
Airport: The college is at a distance of 169 km from the Sanganeer airport and thus reachable by hired taxi or cab. Railway Station: The college is 2.8 km from the Alwar Junction and accessible by auto. Bus stand: The college is at a distance of 4.9 km from the Alwar Bus stand. Hence reachable by hired taxi or cab. |
Why to Join Monika Virmani Teacher’s Training College, Alwar, Rajasthan
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