M. Basavaiah Residential College is a very well-known educational institution in the field of rural education. It has been working for the cause of rural upliftment in the villages for quite some time. The college has the aim of providing higher education to the socially and economically backward students who are deprived of educational opportunities and make them good citizens of this country. It is also committed towards imparting education of a high quality to the rural community and improving the quality of education, offer better facilities and infrastructure to the students for their studies. Since the establishment of this college, it has provided various facilities to the students for their overall development. The college works on the lines of the Gurukul system. The students and the teachers of this college actively involve themselves in various religious and cultural associations.
Facts & Figures of M. Basavaiah Residential College, Chitradurga, Karnataka
Establishment Year |
1969 |
Governing Body |
Sri Taralabalu Jagadguru Education Society of Sirigere |
Institution Area |
415998 sq. ft. |
Classrooms |
24 |
Faculty members |
11 |
Admission procedure |
Filling up the application form, printing it and sending it to the college with some necessary documents |
How to reach |
46 km from Ranebennur railway station, 31 km from Davangere railway station |
Why to join M. Basavaiah Residential College, Chitradurga, Karnataka
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