Ph.D. From Ness Wadia College of Commerce, Pune

Pune, MaharashtraEstd 1969
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Eligibility Criteria

Aspirant seeking admission in 3 Years Full-Time Ph.D. program must fulfill the following criteria:

Academic Requirement:

  • Candidates who have cleared the M.Phil. course work with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade 'B' in the UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and successfully completing the M.Phil. Degree shall be eligible to proceed to do research work leading to a Ph.D. Degree in the same institution in an integrated program.
  • A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, shall be allowed for those belonging to reserved categories/Differently-Abled and other categories of candidates as per policies of the Government of Maharashtra prescribed from time to time.
  • A person whose M.Phil. the dissertation has been evaluated and the viva voce is pending may be admitted to the Ph.D. program of the same institution.
  • Candidates possessing a Degree considered equivalent to M.Phil. Degree of an Indian institution, from a foreign educational institution accredited by an Assessment and Accreditation Agency which is approved, recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country for the purpose of assessing, accrediting or assuring quality and standards of educational institutions.
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Course Duration:  3 Years
Course Duration:  2 Years
Course Duration:  1 Year
Dr. (Ms.) S. C. Dias
Associate Professor and Head
Dr. (Ms.) S. D. Jasani
Associate Professor and Head
Mr. A. T. Bhosale
Associate Professor and Head
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