ANMMCH, NEET PG Cutoff 2023 for General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff rank for NEET PG is 3770 - 46772
Courses | Round 1 (Closing rank) | Round 2 (Closing rank) | Round 3 (Closing rank) | Round 4 (Closing rank) |
3770 | 4584 | 5530 | - | |
5483 | 6960 | 7273 | - | |
7642 | 8954 | 9893 | - | |
8281 | 10235 | 11755 | - | |
12711 | 16738 | 19128 | - | |
16341 | 20193 | 21397 | 27728 | |
40285 | 46822 | 54631 | 71433 | |
46772 | - | 117664 | - |
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