It was known for being a good uni for a teaching degree. The campus is small and easy to navigate but still has a couple of cafes and lots of space to study. The uni was very close to my house so I saved money by staying at home.
Course Curriculum
The course curriculum covers a good range of subjects with specialty options as you progress through the degree. There were some unnecessary subjects which we had to do, they were a waste of money and time though.
The education faculty was run very professionally. They were always helpful and quick to respond to student emails and queries. There was also lots of professional development run for students in the course.
We do a number of placements and have preferences of where we go (what school and area). Job opportunities are always be emailed to us. The placement office is very organized and makes sure we know what is happening.
I preferred to go for off-campus accommodation. This was because I lived close to uni so it was cheaper for me to stay at home. I think staying at college can be tricky and expensive for people. However, students from rural areas may have no other option.
Queensland Core Skills was the only exam I took and it was in year 12. We were not required to sit any further exams to get into uni.
Harmony week - this is a full week of activities and sessions about valuing and celebrating our indigenous population. Griffith celebrates various other things. Too many to list. They are very open and accepting.
We have the option of receiving HECS fee assistance. This is where we get a loan and don t have to pay our uni debt back until we earn over a certain amount. Our fees are by the subject and can be around 600-$700 per subject. We do 8 per year for a full-time load.
Examination Structure
We have a set exam time during the middle of the semester and then the main one at the end of the semester. Exams are usually a few days apart and sometimes we don t even have exams. Occasionally (rarely) we will have multiple exams on one day.