Sample Statement of Purpose (SOP) for MBA in Australia

Sample Statement of Purpose for MBA in Australia

Normally, an applicant will attach transcripts and certificates for his achievements but unfortunately, all the talents and skills cannot be covered through these certificates. Statement of purpose serves the role as evidence of certificates for all those positive traits and skills that an applicant possesses but cannot potash as evidence with his application.

The role of this statement of purpose gets enhanced as it serves as the voice of the applicant in his absence in front of the selection committee. An Applicant can write all that relevant information that he feels can help them in seeking admission. In this statement, the applicant also gets an opportunity to talk about his personal academic and nonacademic life that completes his personality and must be known to the selectors in the international institution.

Talking about a statement of purpose for MBA in Australia, it is observed that students are asked to write a brief essay of 500-1000 words, wherein they should focus on their academic achievements, personal journey and motivation to pursue MBA degree, and long term career goals.

Tips for Writing SOP for MBA in Australia

There are mainly two ways to write your statement of purpose for MBA in Australia universities:

  • Chronological order statement is in which the childhood ideas come first and it gradually goes towards the course chosen.
  • Functional style, the applicant is going to talk about the advanced course he has chosen, and then give all the details about how he did it.

The information needs to be sorted out in different paragraphs and must be written in a way that is clearly understood by the reader. Some other aspects which you should remember while attempting your SOP for MBA in Australia are:

  • The statement must contain only truthful information that can be verified if needed.
  • Applicant must not talk about his family achievements and any other irrelevant information that is not required for the admission application.
  • The language of this statement should be academic and official and it should come out as an impressive document written for the purpose that it must serve.

Sample SOP for MBA in Australia

Managing a business in the current era of globalization and technology requires specialized knowledge and Absolute dedication on the part of the individual desiring to do so. One needs to equip oneself with the international rules, ways of working, cultural differences, business ethics, negotiation skills just to name a few things that make anyone a successful manager or business person.

Born in a family of business people, I was always inclined towards managing businesses but I wanted to do it in a more professional manner and on a large scale than my family. With this thought in mind, I started preparing myself for the job.

I studied commerce in my secondary education and got admission in the bachelors of business management for the undergraduate degree. Various industrial visits and projects taught me a lot of things happening in the world of business and management small businesses run by families are not even aware of. The international trade practices and laws gave a real perspective of how ethically one can do profit-making businesses. During one of the international seminars, I got an opportunity to interact with an Australian university representative who briefed me about the education system and MBA curriculum and mode of delivery of the same. This made such an imprint on my mind that I decided to do my MBA at XXX university in Australia. 

I have an excellent academic track record with 96% in high school, 97.5% in secondary education, and an almost similar percentage in the bachelors’ degree. I am a Hockey player on my college team and an effective and spontaneous orator, the quality that won me a lot of declamations and debates.

Apart from this I have done my internship with the ABC chartered accountants and the project on the marketing management of textiles gave me hands on experience and some practical knowledge to prepare me for my MBA abroad. These events inculcated a lot of responsibility and ability to manage time in me and also taught me to deliver under stressful situations which is one of the most important requirements of the management world today.

I feel that I am ready with basic knowledge of the core curriculum and have the required talent and skills to take on advanced study in the areas of management and business at an international level. Studying in Australia will not only equip me to fulfill my dreams but will give me the required knowledge to run a business efficiently by giving practical training.

I am hopeful that I shall be able to get admission to your esteemed university and will be able to commence my MBA studies in the coming semester.

To checkout another sample Statement of Purpose (SOP) for MBA in Australia, click here.


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