Whitney Review at Ithaca College [IC], Ithaca | Collegedunia

ITHACA COLLEGE, ITHACA, NEW YORKI absolutely love the college and the ci...

I absolutely love the college and the city of Ithaca.

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Ithaca College, Business Administration
Reviewed on Mar 7, 2019

Open house program (run by students) blew me away at my initial visit. The student group was the School of Business Deans Hosts. The event they put on was detailed and perfectly executed. They were all so professional, helpful and they didn't seem like students. I later became the Director of Programs for this group and ran these open house programs myself.

Course Curriculum


Fantastic! Half our credits were required to be Liberal Arts which provided us a very well rounded degree. Within our program, we could pick our specialty. I chose Marketing & Management. Other options included Finance, Accounting, Entrepreneurship.


I only took the SAT. I believe my score was 1900 out of 2400. I took the SAT three times.



I felt prepared for my job search and opportunities. We were trained in resume writing and interviewing, so I felt like I had a foot up. I still find myself helping people with their resumes! And practicing interviewing etc is so beneficial. I felt so prepared for the real thing!


Internships were offered, however, I did not choose to do an internship. A majority were unpaid at the time and I spent my free time with paid jobs as I needed the cash to get through school! In hindsight do I wish I had taken an internship? Sure, it would have been a great experience, but I don't think it hurt me not having one - especially since I had jobs.



Aside from the traditional convocation and standard events, we also celebrated the senior week! This was a week of good times! It even includes jumping into the on-campus fountains at the end! Typically there is a concert and outdoor activities during this time as well!


Typical tuition, room & board, meal plan, books, etc. I don't think there is anything out of the ordinary here. Ithaca College is a private school so it is generally more expensive than public schools.


Yes. I did receive a few scholarships and aid to attend Ithaca College. They were a mix of scholarships and grants based on high school academics and of course some financial aid.

Examination Structure

Each course was different. Some had more exams than others. Overall I found it to be straight forward and fair. Typically all exams are in a large group setting. I always felt I had the tools, education needed leading up to the exams.



Absolutely top notch. The size of the school was perfect for my needs. A great mix of plenty of students, with still easily accessible faculty. Professors knew you by name and you were welcome to show up to their office without an appointment.



I lived on campus for two years and then off campus for the last two years. The on-campus dorms were very nice and convenient. We moved off campus as we had a group who wanted to live together and we all had vehicles.