Anya Review at University Of Reading, Berkshire | Collegedunia

Polishing knowledge and skills - University of Reading

5.0 /10

Aspects that drove me to accepting the offer of admission was the central location of the university. I also was drawn to the fact that the university was strong and well known for the LLB Law program I was attending.

Course Curriculum :

My opinion on the course curriculum and academics was that it was fast paced and educational. I found that the teachings of the program easily translated to real life work experiences.

Exams :

Admission requirements were an 80% score or higher for a high school diploma and a personal statement during the application process on why this is the best course for me to take.

Placement :

The average post-study placement opportunities at the university were dictated based on student GPA's. Companies that would offer placements in the university were available to students who performed in their respective field of study at a level of distinction.

Internship :

I did not opt for any internship or co-op opportunity as I chose to return back to my home country of Canada for work opportunities.

Events :

The campus life was very inclusive as there were many societies that were available for students to join. The campus offered a variety of extra curricular activities that allowed students to pursue other enjoyable activities outside of academics. The clubs ranged from sports to activist associations as well as helping charities.

Fees :

The total tuition fees for my program were 17000 pounds in UK currency. This excluded housing and additional amenities that were required to be on campus and enrolled into the program.

Scholarship :

No I did not receive any scholarships or external funding throughout my university degree.

Faculty :

My opinion on the faculty of the university was that they were well skilled for the positions they filled. Most of the professors I was taught by were former lawyers themselves and had PhDs in the respective fields of study to be able to successfully teach the course content.

Hostel :

My accommodation facility abroad was very challenging to attain as the university was not organized and I had experienced a great deal of difficulty to be able to receive on campus accommodation through the accommodations department at the university.

5.0 out of 10