Job interviews suck, don’t they? Let’s make it awesome with these funny memes

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Sapna Malik updated

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Job interviews are as much as flipping a coin, where an employer predicts the interviewee’s capabilities with brief processes. You’d agree that both sides of the table are considered to be anxious and fidgety here!

Sometimes you are subjected to synapse-snapping brain teasers, and sometimes made to answer perplexed stuff. Thoughts like ‘What if I don’t know the answer to their questions?’, or ‘What if I freeze up?’ strike our minds before the interview. But it is not just you, everyone has an occasional bad job interview.  

We have compiled crazy relatable job interview stories on how everyone pretty much believes it to be a strange ritual. They’re good, they’re bad and even downright ugly, sometimes, but they’re surely gonna make you laugh!

1. Once again, everything went fine until the interview!

Once again, everything went fine until the interview!

2. Questionable question.


questionable question


3. Bit too obvious! No?

bit to obvious! No?

4. When your skills are too much more than asked for!

when your skills are too much more than asked for

5. When you wanted to say it all but career growth is impor.. (Blah blah)

When you wanted to say it all but career growth is impor.. (Blah blah)

6. Best way to beat your competition in the recruiting game doesn't exi..

Best way to beat your competition in the recuiting game does’nt exi..

7. Reply? Huh! Too much to ask for.

Reply? Huh! Too much to ask for.


8. Ready to take a job you are not excited for? Well, all the best!

Ready to take a job you are not excited for? Well, All the best!


If you are in the midst of the hustle of finding a job, hopefully, these funny job interview memes collection is guaranteed to help cheer you up.

Whatever be the end result, but you can usually breathe a sigh of relief, as the hardest part is over! (or not).