15 Terrifying Moments That Every College Student Will Relate To

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Sapna Malik updated

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“I’m gonna attend the 9am class tomorrow”---is a lie

College Student Meme

If you’re starting out on your college journey well, congratulations. It might seem utterly terrifying but it’s not. JK, it totally is. So freshers, if you’re starting out, let this be an informative post. But, others who have been in college for a while will relate to these terrifying moments.

1. 9 O’ Clock Classes are Basically Myths

9 O’ Clock Classes are Basically Myths

2. When you feel like giving up but remember tuition fees

When you feel like giving up but remember tuition fees

3. When you have to pull an all-nighter for a submission

When you have to pull an all-nighter for a submission

4. When you attend class after an all-nighter

When you attend class after an all-nighter

5. When you have too much work to do so you decide to sleep

When you have too much work to do so you decide to sleep

6. When it’s the end of the week and you crave pizza

When it’s the end of the week and you crave pizza

7. Highlighting the ‘important’ parts

Highlighting the ‘important’ parts

8. This could be snacks, or chewing gum or any type of oral material

open snacks in class

9. Group projects are a thing of beauty

group projects grave

10. When your prof walks in late and is overcompensating

When your prof walks in late and is overcompensating

11. When you need whole numerals to start studying

when you need whole numerals to start studying

12. When you regret bunking classes

bunking classes

13. You’ll always be broke

college broke

14. You’ll have to be ‘resourceful’

college student resourceful

15. When you question the entire basis of your education

When you question the entire basis of your education

Did we miss out anything? Do let us know the tricks for you to get through college.