Flipkart, the E-commerce giant has officially launched its private label for kid’s fashion entitled ‘Miss & Chief’. The new move was announced on 5th April, Thursday. The label is aimed at kids between the ages of 2 to 10 years. The brand will offer a variety of apparel including sports clothing and apparel, colorful designs and princess party dresses. Rishi Vasudev, Flipkart’s head of fashion has addressed the reason for this move, “Kids fashion is one of our fastest growing categories, where we have witnessed a 100% year-on-year growth. This is a testimony to a huge potential this market offers.”
Miss & Chief’s products will boast great quality along with Flipkart’s trademark affordability so that parents of young consumers of fashion can appreciate ‘value for money’ while shopping for their young ones. Apart from fashion, the brand will also include STEM toys such as remote-controlled cars, musical as well as educational toys.
The move to launch a fresh label came on the eve of Flipkart’s declaration of the success of its fashion business which had accumulated gross sales of about 1 Billion Dollars overtaking rivals Myntra and Jabong. ‘Miss & Chief’ will be Flipkart’s 4th in-house brand for its fashion segment, following Divastri, Metronaut, and Anmi. Vasudev comments on the success of Flipkart’s in-house brands, “We started bringing private labels in fashion business over the past 8-10 months and it has shown good initial traction among users.”
It looks like ‘Miss & Chief’ is all set to be the next success story for Flipkart. Kids’ fashion maybe the untapped sector which can give Flipkart an edge over its major E-commerce rival Amazon.