Your luscious long locks maybe the envy of your friends and family but only you can understand the struggles of maintaining them. I mean, sure they make you feel like Rapunzel in their good days.
But seriously, those are rare. So if you (like me) are in a complicated relationship with your long hair then stick around till the end of the article to reveal the solution to all your hair troubles:
From scarves to bags to seatbelts, everything is a possible site for your hair to get trapped in.
And you try to carry off ‘scrunchies on your wrist’ as a fashion-statement. But that’s not gonna happen!
Lipstick, lip-gloss, food, you name it.
Lipstick, Lip-gloss, food, you name it.
You often wonder why you bother keeping your hair long anyway!
Why? God! Why?
Little poem for you.
Because, HAIR FALL!
You have to deep condition your hair once in a week or it’ll appear dry and brittle.
You’re quite familiar with this situation.
And the search for a new planet for earthlings!
You know? Because your hair defines you!
Luckily for you, Dove’s Advanced Hair Series might be just the products that your tresses were looking for. It comes in a number of variants such as Rejuvenated Volume or Regenerative Repair to target specific hair needs. Bid adieu to your long hair struggles with Dove!