Step away from your ex’s Fb profile and check out our list.
Going through a tough break-up? We’ve all been there. We know how easy it is to advise people on what to do post-breakup, but we also know how difficult it is to follow through on that advice.
While being strong will initially be tough but it's not impossible to move on from your relationship. But, we can vouch that it eventually gets better, till then playing ‘I will survive’ on loop is perfectly ok. But if you’re looking for a little help on how to heal your wounded heart, we’re here with some good advice, garnered from years of experience.
Here are 10 Ways of getting over your shitty break-up:
Keep a list of the soundtracks and songs which are upbeat, peppy and empowering. Beyonce should definitely feature on it. Or, old school rock and roll, featuring Bon Jovi, GnR and the likes, and you’re all set!
This may seem like a mundane thing to do, but brightening up your room will attract positive energy towards you. Buy colorful printed bed-sheets and matching covers to give your personal space a burst of cheerfulness.
Remove/Unfriend/Block your ex from all your social media handles, at least till the time it takes you to recuperate from the break-up.
No matter how tempted you are to check out their Instagram handle, control those urges. You’ll thank us later.
It might be a cliche, but there’s no harm in trying. After my breakup with my boyfriend of over 5 years, the first thing I did was chop my long hair off to a shag. If you don’t wanna do something quite so permanent, you can even dye your hair a different colour or get some streaks at the least.
Now that you’ve gone the mile and chopped/colored your hair it’s time to flaunt it to the world. Any form of appreciation will make you feel great.
If you already have a pet, then you’re one of the lucky ones. If you don’t, get some warm cuddles from your friends’ doggos and cattos. But, do not adopt a pet on a whim because it requires a lifetime commitment.
You’ll feel like spending your entire time wrapped up in your comfy blankets, in bed, post-breakup. But it’s equally important for you to get some fresh air. Go party out with your friends, or just hang out with them for a couple of hours. Their lame jokes will definitely cheer you up.
If you’re planning to party your pains away, we’re here for it. But, please, I repeat, please, do not drunk text or call your ex. It will make the already bitter affair much more bitter.
Hog your bed, grab your cozy cushion and blanket, switch on your favorite rom-com/superhero movie and just chill.
It’s natural to feel weepy once in a while, so it’s pointless to restrain your tears. In fact, crying will help relieve some of your stress and help you feel better. Just make sure you don’t burst out in tears in a public place if you don’t wanna be asked uncomfortable questions.
That cute girl/guy in your college you’ve been unable to talk to because you’re dating someone? Yes, she/he is available now. Go, have a proper chat.
While flirting with potential love-interests is totally fine, we’d suggest you lay off jumping the guns and rushing into a relationship right away. You need some time to process your emotions, and it’s unfair on your part to lead on the guy or girl until you are fully aware of your emotions and feelings.
Time heals all wounds, and in time you’ll figure out how to forgive and forget both yourself, and your ex. It’s ideal if you can move on while still remembering the good parts of the doomed relationship.
You might feel like crap now, but you are f***ing fabulous. Don’t you dare forget that. You are surrounded by friends and family who love you for who you are, and one failed relationship is a blip in the larger scheme things.
The important thing to note about your break-up is that it will change you, forever, and in a good way. You will gain valuable life experience in dealing with fellow humans, and learn to accept that no-one is perfect. To celebrate this self-realization, you can treat yourself to a pack of KitKat. The crisp wafery delight wrapped in chocolatey goodness will instantly lift up your mood, and put a smile on your face. #HaveaBreakHaveaKitKat