Did You Know That Sprite Is An Easy and Effective Cure For A Nasty Hangover?

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Sapna Malik updated

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We chugged gallons of water and popped pills but here’s what actually worked!


Partied too hard last night, now you’re left with a quivering liver and an ear-splitting headache. We’ve all been there. But by now, you do know better than to buy anything labeled "hangover cure" for those mornings after a wild night. Because, frankly speaking, they do not work at all. So, what does work? Read on to find out.

After few weeks of thorough research on hangover remedies--which might have involved drinking substantial amounts of alcohol, for research purposes only--we’ve come up with the most foolproof hangover remedies for you. While research on the topic can be endless, we’ve narrowed it down to 10 solutions which worked the best for us and might alleviate the problem of a queasy ‘morning after’ for you as well.

1. Water is Still Numero Uno

Water is Still Numero Uno

Let’s start with the obvious, and best, solution, water. You most likely know this from your frequent toilet trips during a night of drunken debauchery, alcohol is a diuretic. It also dehydrates the body by suppressing your body’s ability to absorb water, and dehydration is the chief cause of your thumping headache. It’s best to drink at least one glass of water in between your drinks, and more after you’re done getting hammered. So, keep a bottle of water beside your bed and chug on it before falling asleep and after waking up in the morning.

2. A Can of Sprite

A Can of Sprite

Not just any soda, Sprite. A Chinese study looked at 57 different beverages and found that the lemon and lime pop in Sodas helps expel the alcohol out of your system quicker, speeding the process of your recovery. Sprite was the soft drink which was able to speed up the process the most, causing alcohol to be removed from your body faster and thereby, reducing the intensity of your hangover.

Jane Scrivner, author of The Quick-Fix Hangover Detox: 99 Ways To Feel 100 Times Better, accepted Sprite’s success by saying “It has a high water content to rehydrate you and is high in sugar for an instant pick-me-up, yet the simple sugars mean you’re likely to soon come crashing back down...But its lemon and lime juice content is alkaline and will help balance the acid in your gut, quelling feelings of nausea.” So, sip a can of Sprite for a quick and effective remedy to your hangover woes.

3. Cup of Coffee

Cup of Coffee

There’s a reason why a lot of people cannot function properly without their morning coffee. The instant caffeine hit provided by coffee can treat headaches and migraines. But, remember to down a couple of glasses of water along with your cuppa.

4. Lots of Greasy Food

Lots of Greasy Food

The ideal mechanism to ease your hangover is to eat food along with your Jagerbombs. Food helps slow the absorption of alcohol and restrains your body from becoming intoxicated sooner. So load up on calories before you drink.

But, in case you get a particularly irritating hangover, then grab that greasy plate of pizza or fries or burgers, (or all) and hog on them. The calorie content in your fried eggs and meat will give you an energy boost, while amino acids will detox your body.

5. Pain Killers

Pain Killers

It’s an obvious choice to take a painkiller if you have a headache, so pop one paracetamol if your head feels like crap. While paracetamol-based remedy or ibuprofen is alright to be consumed, we’d suggest you stay away from steroidal drugs or aspirin which can irritate your stomach linings.

6. Sweat it Out in the Gym

Sweat it Out in the Gym

Working out releases endorphins in your body which is sure to boost your mood, and burning a few calories will definitely remove some of the guilt of your drunken escapades. Just make sure to keep your water bottle nearby.

7. Sweat it Out in the Sack

Sweat it Out in the Sack

The same theory works for sex as it does for your daily work-out, you will burn calories, plus the endorphin release will make you feel great! Totally recommended.

8. A Banana and Oats Smoothie

A Banana and Oats Smoothie

Since hangovers are basically caused by dehydration you need increase fluid intake asap. One of the healthier ways to replenish your body’s lost fluid content is by making yourself a banana, honey and oats smoothie.

Now that you’ve been informed of the various ways to cure a nasty hangover, there shouldn’t be any limit to your drinking. Just kidding. The best measure to cure a hangover is to limit your consumption, and drink responsibly!

Do you have your own hangover remedy? Let us know, in the comments below.