Are You The Unofficial ‘Groupfie’-Taker in Your Friends’ Circle?

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Presenting 10 struggles of the designated ‘groupfie- expert in a friends’ group.

Groupfie- expert in a friends

Are you the tallest one in your group? Or do you have ultra-long limbs? We know that it’s an odd thing to ask, but if you do then you’re sure to be designated the ‘groupfie’ taker among your friends. What’s a ‘group-fie’? Well, it’s urban lingo for a ‘group-selfie’. Yes, millennials have made it a thing.

If you’re always stuck at weddings trying to take a selfie of the entire group, this list will make you say, ‘That’s so me!’

1. You’re The Tallest Member of Your Squad

You’re The Tallest Member of Your Squad

It’s a feat to get all your friends in one group-fie.

2. If Not, Then You Definitely Have Long Arms

If Not, Then You Definitely Have Long Arms

Which you have to bend in weird angles to get the most out of any front camera.

3. You Struggle to Assemble Your Squad

Constant Struggles To Fit Every Member of Your Gang

It’s a constant, deplorable struggle to assemble your entire squad at the moment of a group-fie.

4. Half of Who will be Missing when You Click

Half Of Who Will Be Missing When You Click

It’s inevitable that a couple of your friends will go missing at the exact moment you choose to take a click. It leaves you flustered and helpless!

5. You Never Have Your Entire Body in a Groupfie

You Never Have Your Entire Body In A Groupfie

Your body/face basically acts as the human frame in a photo.

6. Unless, You are Standing in The Middle

Unless You Are Standing in The Middle

But, sometimes, you do get the chance to steal the spotlight!

7. Yet, Someone will Complain about The Photos

Yet Still, Someone Will Complain About The Photos

Why don’t they take the photo themselves, you ask?

8. Selfie-sticks are Your Best-Friends

Selfie-sticks Are Your Best-Friends

You have more than one selfie-stick in your arsenal.

9. You’ve Mastered The Art of Bodily Contortions

You Have Mastered The Art of Bodily Contortions

Especially, the upper half of your body.

10. You Never Get Enough Appreciation

You Never Get Enough Appreciation

Your friends are utterly ungrateful about the sacrifices you make in your quest for the perfect ‘group-fie’.

11. You Hate Phones with Bad Front Camera

You Hate Phones With Bad Front Camera

Luckily for you, the new OPPO F7 has redefined ‘selfies’ with its smashing new features. Armed with a 25 Mp Front Camera, the F7 boasts new and improved AI. Beauty Technology 2.0 which targets 296 facial-recognition spots for perfect precision.

OPPO F7 model

Moreover, it customizes up to four faces regardless of gender. So, at least 4 of your friends will have the best photos in your groupfie, and you can blame it on your phone. It’s a win-win situation, all around. Get your hands on the F7 now!

selfiecapture f7